Secret Enemy is a 2-part story by Nigel Kitching, Richard Elson and Ellie de Ville. Sonic has come face to face with the Kintobor Badnik, who shows its superior by hacking into the nearby P.C. Planet. From the Metropolis City High Security Prison, Grimer watches his plan go well, seeing that Sonic can't even destroy the Badnik with a building. Soon, Sonic gets the idea to return to the Control Centre and turns the Kintobor Computer off.
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| - Secret Enemy is a 2-part story by Nigel Kitching, Richard Elson and Ellie de Ville. Sonic has come face to face with the Kintobor Badnik, who shows its superior by hacking into the nearby P.C. Planet. From the Metropolis City High Security Prison, Grimer watches his plan go well, seeing that Sonic can't even destroy the Badnik with a building. Soon, Sonic gets the idea to return to the Control Centre and turns the Kintobor Computer off.
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| - Secret Enemy is a 2-part story by Nigel Kitching, Richard Elson and Ellie de Ville. Sonic has come face to face with the Kintobor Badnik, who shows its superior by hacking into the nearby P.C. Planet. From the Metropolis City High Security Prison, Grimer watches his plan go well, seeing that Sonic can't even destroy the Badnik with a building. Soon, Sonic gets the idea to return to the Control Centre and turns the Kintobor Computer off.