| - Remilia Scarlet is the head of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the mistress of Sakuya and Meiling, a close friend of Patchouli's, and the older sister of Flandre Scarlet. While she often seems childish and non-threatening, she is incredibly strong and is known across Gensokyo as the "Scarlet Devil".
- Remilia Scarlet is a vampire from the Touhou series of bullet-hell games. She made her first appearance in the seventh game of the series, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, which was also named after her. She has since become a recurring character. The user that plays as this character has done so since April 2013, and is the first user to do so.
- Remilia ist die Hausherrin der Scarlet Devil Mansion, die Herrin von Hong Meiling und Sakuya Izayoi und außerdem die große Schwester (und Beschützerin) von Flandre Scarlet. Obwohl ihr Auftreten kindisch ist und unbedrohlich wirkt, hat sie Angst einflößende Kräfte und hat überall in Gensokyo den Ruf als der gefährliche "Scarlet Devil". Wie alle Vampire ist sie lichtempfindlich und geschwächt, wenn sie Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt ist, also bleibt sie tagsüber normalerweise in ihrer Villa (welche wenig Fenster hat, um zu vermeiden dass Licht hereinkommt) und taucht während der Nacht auf. Während sie natürlich bekannt ist Menschenblut zu trinken, hat sie einen schwachen Appetit, was heißt dass ihre Opfer nie von ihren Wunden sterben.
- Remilia Scarlet is the owner and head of the Scarlet Devil Mansion from the Touhou Project series of video games, the mistress of Sakuya and Meiling, and the older sister (and guardian) of Flandre. Though her appearance (and often behavior) is childlike and seems nonthreatening, she has fearsome magical powers and a reputation to match, being known throughout Gensokyo as the dangerous "Scarlet Devil." Like all vampires she is photosensitive and weakens when exposed to sunlight, so she typically remains inside her mansion (which has few windows to prevent light getting in) during the day and emerges during the night. While she is naturally known to drink human blood, her light appetite means her victims almost never die from their wounds.
- Remilia Scarlet é a dona e líder da Mansão do Demônio Escarlate, mestra de Sakuya e Meiling e é a irmã mais velha (e guardiã) da Flandre. Apesar de sua aparência -e frequentemente comportamento- ser frágil e infantil, Remilia tem poderes mágicos assustadores e uma reputação a defender, sendo conhecida por Gensokyo como o perigoso "Scarlet Devil" (Demônio Escarlate). Como todos os vampiros, ela tem alta sensibilidade à luz e enfraquece com a exposição à luz solar, então ela tipicamente fica dentro da mansão (que contém poucas janelas para amenizar a entrada de luz) durante o dia e sai durante a noite. Ainda que ela seja naturalmente conhecida por consumir sangue humano, o seu apetite moderado faz com que quase nenhuma de suas vítimas morra.
- Remilia es la dueña y la cabeza de la Mansión Scarlet Devil, la ama de Sakuya y Meiling, y la hermana mayor de Flandre. Aunque su apariencia (y a veces su comportamiento) parecen las de una niña, ella tiene terribles poderes mágicos y una famosa reputación, al ser conocida en todo Gensokyo como la peligrosa "Demonio Escarlata". Como todos los vampiros, ella es fotosensible y se debilita cuando se expone a la luz del sol, por lo cual ella normalmente se queda dentro de su mansión (la cual tiene pocas ventanas para prevenir que la luz entre en ella) durante el día y sale en la noche. Es sabido que ella bebe sangre humana, pero como tiene poco apetito sus víctimas casi nunca mueren.
- Remilia Scarlet is a character from Touhou Project who makes her debut in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil as the final boss. She is a vampire and the owner and head of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the mistress of Sakuya Izayoi, Hong Meiling and the fairy maids. She's also the older sister (and guardian) of Flandre Scarlet.