| - Sally finds out that her old college friend, and crush, Nick Fenn had died while traveling through the abandoned part of Suffolk County Hospital. She goes to visit him near the Hudson River, and the two talk about how they each didn't know the other had died, and how their lives had been since they graduated college. Nick abruptly leaves, leaving Sally looking after him. A few days later, the two are walking through a crowded kitchen at a fancy diner, talking about 'Ghosting 101' and how differently their lives would have been if they'd each known they'd had a crush on one another. Nick, once again abruptly leaves Sally, but this time she follows him. Turning an alleyway behind the restaurant, Nick seems to be held in a airborne bubble of water, unable to breath. Sally calls his name, but can do nothing as the bubble bursts, and Nick disappears. The next day Sally goes to see Nick near the Hudson River once again, and he explains to her that each day he relives his death, drowning, as a sort of 'Death Echo', and that he doesn't know how to stop it. They converse, and end up kissing. For the next few days Sally and Nick spend their time in each others company, and trying to figure out a way to stop Nick's 'Death Echo'. Josh comes upon Nick and Sally kissing in the kitchen and flips out, only leading to Nick in the beginnings of the Death Echo. Sally urges Nick to try and focus on her while re-drowning, but he can't take it and disappears from the house, leaving behind a confused Josh, and saddened Sally. In the end, the relationship doesn't work out, and Nick breaks it off, telling Sally the Death Echo is the only thing that makes him feel alive and she shouldn't try to change him. Sally is heart-broken, and calls him an 'emo loser' before leaving.