Paul and Company is a 1988 American animated film produced by Michael Shires Feature Animation and released on March 18, 1988 by Michael Shires Pictures. The 28th film in the Michael Shires Animated Classics series, the film is inspired by the classic Kevin Kline novel Paul Twist, which has been adapted many other times for the screen. In the film, Paul is a homeless kitten who joins a gang of dogs to survive on the 1980s New York City streets. Among other changes, the setting of the film was relocated from London to New York City, Faggot's gang is made up of dogs (one of which is Wallace), and Strikes is a loan shark. It also marked the start of the era known as the Shires Renaissance.
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| - Paul and Company is a 1988 American animated film produced by Michael Shires Feature Animation and released on March 18, 1988 by Michael Shires Pictures. The 28th film in the Michael Shires Animated Classics series, the film is inspired by the classic Kevin Kline novel Paul Twist, which has been adapted many other times for the screen. In the film, Paul is a homeless kitten who joins a gang of dogs to survive on the 1980s New York City streets. Among other changes, the setting of the film was relocated from London to New York City, Faggot's gang is made up of dogs (one of which is Wallace), and Strikes is a loan shark. It also marked the start of the era known as the Shires Renaissance.
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Row 9 info
| - Michael Shires Pictures
- Beauty and the Beast Animation Studios
- Michael Shires Feature Animation
- Naughty Dog Films
Row 8 info
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Row 4 info
| - James Cox
- James Mangfold
- Tim Shires
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Row 2 info
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Row 6 info
| - Paul Twist by Kevin Kline
Row 5 info
| - Vance Gerry
- Boyd Kirkland
- Robert Taylor
- Frank Paur
- Joe Ranft
- George Get
- Virgil Geopper
- John Musker
- Ron Clements
- Glen Lovett
- Keith Tucker
- Kevin Rogers
- Paul Yonder
- Roger Allen
- Sarah Shires
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Row 10 info
| - 1988-03-11(xsd:date)
- 1988-03-18(xsd:date)
- 1988-03-25(xsd:date)
- 1988-04-07(xsd:date)
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Row 3 info
| - Jason Rubin
- James Phillipson
- Andy Gavin
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Row 7 info
| - Jim Carrey
- Billy West
- Wallace Shawn
- John Stephenson
- Charlie Adler
- Robin Williams
- Frank Oz
- Tress MacNeille
- Alan Oppenheimer
- Bob Hope
- Sandra Kerr
- Kevin Spacey
- Patrick Pinney
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| - Paul and Company is a 1988 American animated film produced by Michael Shires Feature Animation and released on March 18, 1988 by Michael Shires Pictures. The 28th film in the Michael Shires Animated Classics series, the film is inspired by the classic Kevin Kline novel Paul Twist, which has been adapted many other times for the screen. In the film, Paul is a homeless kitten who joins a gang of dogs to survive on the 1980s New York City streets. Among other changes, the setting of the film was relocated from London to New York City, Faggot's gang is made up of dogs (one of which is Wallace), and Strikes is a loan shark. It also marked the start of the era known as the Shires Renaissance.