- You advance in levels when reaching a certain amount of Experience Points. There is no maxinum level you get have in Zezenia, you can gain unlimited amount of levels.
- Wenn du eine gewisse Anzahl von Punkten erreichst, steigt dein Level. Formel: Level x = 50 * (x-1)²
- Level is the evolutionary measure of buildings and technology. Each building and technology in needs to be built or researched from raw materials. The initial construction/research will yield a Level 1 product. This product will do the job it is intended. Each time a building/tech is upgraded it will increase another level, and become more efficient at what it does. For mines this means they will yield more resources, for engine technologies, the ships they power will get faster, and so on. With each level a building or tech increases it becomes more expensive to upgrade.
- A level is a rectangular piece of the game world. It may be a terrain or a grid. Terrains are overground, Grids are underground or indoors. Terrains are measured in meters. Length and width may be 32, 64, 128 or 256m. Grids are measured in tiles. Each tile represents a square of 5m side length. Maximum size of a grid is 64x64 tiles to a tier, up to 10 tiers can be stacked on top of each other. One or more levels make up a map. In the source folder of a mod, a level is represented by several files: a .lvl file (content of the level) a .rlv file (pathing information) a .tga file (minimap)
- Level indicates a units 'High Priest' cost, that is the number of Altar upgrades needed to achieve that units production. Nsworld 12:52, July 9, 2010 (UTC)
- Levels are the progress off an account. In order to level up, members must make games, friend others, and earn views. In Sploder. Level 250 is the highest possible level to reach on sploder. But there was a rumor that a member, Opengangs, went up to level 1000 on October 9th, 2012.
- Level, manchmal auch als Stufe oder Ebene bezeichnet, ist ein wiederkehrender Begriff in Rollenspielen und gibt in der Regel an, wie stark ein Charakter oder Gegner ist. Meist werden Erfahrungspunkte benötigt, damit ein Level aufgestiegen werden kann. Das Levelsystem ist dabei eine typische Rollenspielmechanik, die jedoch innerhalb der verschiedenen Final Fantasy-Teile stark variiert. Üblicherweise erhält die Gruppe nur nach einem gewonnenen Kampf Erfahrungspunkte und geht bei einer Flucht leer aus.
- A character or mob's Level is a means of measuring their overall power and prowess. The higher Leveled a player or mob is, the better they are, in general, at fighting and surviving. Experience points (Exp or XP) are the units that a player character accumulates to increase in Level. While mobs also have a level, they do not gain experience and so cannot progress to a higher. Players start at level 1 and can reach a maximum level of 51.
- There are 5 skills in Crackdown. Agility, Explosives, Driving, Firearms, and Strength The maximum level for each skill is attained at the Four-Star rating. The player begins with a Zero-Star rating, essentially giving each skill 5 Levels in total; Zero-Star, One-Star, Two-star, Three-Star, and Four-star (being the maximum). In order to increase your level in each skill, you must perform actions relating to each skill, that usually involve killing Gang members utilizing each respective skill.
- Een Level bepaalt je niveau van een skill, hoe hoger, des te beter je wordt, mensen trainen vaak om hoge levels te halen.
- A character or monster's level is a rough determination of their proficiency in combat. Certain equipments require a minimum level to equip. Note:Each new level, your character will receive 3 characteristic points and 3 spell points.
- Levels are the basic measure of player character advancement in Dungeons & Dragons. Characters gain levels by earning experience points (XP). When a character's total XP equals or exceeds the amount needed for the next level, the character gains a level.
- A device used to measure true horizontal or relative heights, frequently used in surveying and construction.
- < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Level]] level < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Level]] livel, liveau, later nivel, niveau < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Level]] libella (“‘a balance, a level’”), diminutive of libra (“‘a balance, a level’”); see libra, librate.
- A level is a rating of overall power in the game.
- A level is a unit of analysis on a scale.
- A Pokemon's level determines how strong it is. Levels can go from 1 to 100. In the wild, Pokemon levels range from 3 to 6. A Pokemon can increase in level by earning experience points from battling other Pokemon. A Pokemon will continue to earn experience points even after it has reached level 100. When they reach certain levels, some Pokemon can evolve into a different form, but this cannot be undone. For example, a Rattata can evolve into a Raticate after it reaches level 20.
- Level up! (music) fgsd? ...trrr, trrr, trrr... wooooshh!!! lol! And there are very much XPs in the bloodstream. Omg! Once level up, this come to the screen:
* And so on and off where , , , , , , are Magic numbers (notice the star) Level up condition is usually: Standing position:
* Current XP = 2.743.234.642.109
* Current YP = 5.928i + 231j + 1.989k (very hypercomplex, yet unreal)
- Level is a short movie created by Micah Dahl.
- Each level needs experience points to move onto the next level. There are three categories in Bin Weevils on your level: bronze, from levels one to nine; silver, from levels ten to nineteen; and gold, from levels twenty and seventy. As you go onto higher levels, the amount of experience points you need to level up increases.
- Pro Spiel bekommt man in Warrock eine bestimmte Anzahl an Prozent. Bei 100% steigt man ein Level auf. Wenn man ein Level aufsteigt, kann man sich Waffen kaufen und man bekommt 2500 Dinar bei jedem Aufstieg. Insgesamt gibt es in Warrock 100 Level.
- The maximum level in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is 100, whereas in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance the maximum level is 99.
- Click each level to discover their Story Mode Playable Characters, Enemies, Bosses, Minikit, Power Brick, and Stud Meter. The format is structured hubs, then normal levels, and then the bonus levels. Also, each level has a short code for convenience on list pages.. Image:Level-art.png
- Level (also written as Lv) is a gameplay component in the Baten Kaitos series that determines certain stats and strengths of characters in battle. What is effected by Level and how its increased is different across Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins.
- Levelování neboli zvyšování úrovní. Pokaždé když Chrono zabije nějakého nepřítele, dostane EXP (experience) neboli zkušenosti. Pokud jich má dostatek, posune se o další úroveň neboli level. Kolik máte EXPů a kolik jich je potřeba do další úrovně se dozvíte ve statusu Když se vám zvýší level, dostanete se do obrazovky kde si zvolíte, kterou z dovedností se chcete naučit (za level však dostanete jen jednu část a k naučení dovednosti jsou třeba 3 části). Poté si ještě zvolíte co chcete zvýšit, jestli attack, speed nebo luck. Opět dostanete za level jen jednu část a ke zvýšení jedné z těchto tří položek potřebujete části 4. Nejde však levelovat do nekonečna, maximální level je 99 nebo 100, teď nevím.
- The commander level is the prospective level for the player themselves. You gain experience by batting in the Battle Arena and Plains. Every time you level up, you gain Commander Skill Points, ready to be implemented into new skills that can be unlocked. Also, you will gain access to better tier Mechs. Clans can choose to restrict their recruitment rules by a certain Commander Level. Commander levels also impact how far you can do research at the Research
- Level (レベル Reberu), often abbreviated as LV, is the ranking system assigned to both the of Genm Corp. and the Bugsters they fight with.
- kijk bij Leveling Guide
- Your level is a number that can be seen in the status menu, or on saves. When this number increases, you get more money from Space Lounge missions and other achievements but the opponents you fight become tougher and do more damage. The highest level is 20. In Galaxy on Fire: Alliances players gain skill points and extend their ship, carrier, and planet limits by leveling up.
- Leveling up regenerates all health points lost during the previous level, but not mana points. (You regain some mana points at the beginning of each day when your daily Cron runs.) Each level also raises all attributes by half a point. Progression through levels is merely a sign of your own progress through your tasks. Comparing the speed at which you gain levels with that of other players is generally not meaningful because every player has their own playing style.
- The maximum level reachable varies from game to game:
* Fallout: 21
* Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel: 99
* Fallout 3: 20 (30 with the Broken Steel add-on)
* Fallout: New Vegas: 30–50; each of the four add-ons raises the level cap by 5 levels
* Fallout 4 does not have a level cap; however, the game crashes once reaching level 65,535.
- The Levels are a numerical representation of the overall inner power and skill of someone or something. When someone gain enough Experience points, this character gains a level.
- A character or monster's level is a rough determination of their proficiency in combat. Certain items require a minimum level to equip.
- As your character gains (and loses) Experience Points (EXP) your character's Level (a.k.a. Lv or lvl) is automatically increased (or decreased) at pre-determined thresholds. As you increase your character's Lv various abilities are boosted. You can down level (a.k.a. delevel) your character if you repeatedly die because you lose EXP each time you die.
- Ein Trainer kann das Level seiner Spielfigur durch das sammeln von Erfahrungspunkten erhöhen um neue Items und stärkeren Pokémon zu erhalten. Der aktuelle Maximalwert, den ein Spieler erhalten kann ist Level 40. Jedes Mal, wenn ein Spieler ein neues Level erreicht erhält er Belohnungen auf der Grundlage des erreichten Levels.
- Level (レベル) is a measure of the proficiency a character has in their current class.
- In Fire Emblem sobald man 100 Erfahrungs Punkte hat,steigt man einen Level.
- Alle karaktere i Porre of Warcraft starter i Level 1. Ved at dræbe Monstre, klare quests, gå i Dungeons, spille pik, Explore (udforske) lande og få andre ting, får de experience (Erfaring) og når de så har nok experience stiger de i Level, så gentager processen sig igen for at de kan stige til næste level og hele vejen til Porre Level 100, som i øjeblikket er det højeste. I Porre of Warcraft: Porreclysm ville man kunne komme i Porre Level 85. nu er det muligt at komme i 90 (MoP) Kategori:Udtryk fra spillet Kategori:Spil termer
- In der Digiwelt gibt es unzählige Digimon auf verschiedenen Levels. Es folgt eine Aufzählung und Erklärung dieser Levels:
- The level is the numerical representation of the global power of the Hero/ine.Levels are gained when the Hero/ine earns certain quantities of experience.Each gained level increases some Hero/ine attributes.All enemies will stop dropping loot/experience after the Hero/ine's level has surpassed their "max level" (whose values can be found in the enemies' articles).
- Level is a stat in the Breath of Fire series. When a character gains enough EXP, he/she will gain 1 Level, and may gain other stats according to his/her current Master and which level he/she gained if they have one. The character also might learn new abilities if he/she lands on a Level that holds an ability. While normally not directly affecting the character or enemy's performance in battle, physical attacks are sometimes calculated with this stat.
- Levels within Aion may refer to one of a few things:
* Player level
* NPC level
* Quest level
* Profession level
* Spell level (or rank)
- Taso (Level) on pelaajan taso jokaisessa taidossa. Tasoja on kaikissa taidoissa 1-99 (lukuunottamatta dungeoneeringiä, jossa 1-120), mutta koska taistelutaso (Combat level) lasketaan tietyn kaavan mukaan kaikista taisteluun käytettävistä taidoista ja sen enimmäismäärä pelaajalla on 138. Combat level on myös jokaisella hirviöllä.
- The term Level can refer to three different designations of progress in Oberin: skill level, creature level, and class level. Level can also be used as a verb. For example, someone might say that they levelled their Enchanting skill.
- Levels are known as the courses of PR2. They have some contents.
- Die Quests finden in einer Hand voll unterschiedlicher Level statt. Die Level sind dabei in kleinere Zonen unterteilt, zwischen denen beim Passieren jedesmal kurz geladen wird.
- Level, abbreviated as Lvl, is a stat in the Disgaea series which is found in almost all RPGs. When a character gains a certain amount of Experience, he or she gains a level and gets higher stats. The more levels a character has, the more experience it takes for a character to level up. The level cap in Disgaea is 9999, and can be reached repeatedly through Reincarnation.
- When a player has gained enough EXP to gain a level, the player is said to have "leveled up". At this point, the player gains 2 SP for each character. Thus, level is often used as an indicator of a group's strength, because a player with a high level will have characters with more SP, as well as having spent more time exploring and finding better items.
- A farmer's level is based on the number of experience points they have earned. Reaching higher levels allows farmers to buy more items from the market, including crops, trees, animals, decorations and more. Reaching higher levels also allows farmers to send a larger variety of gifts to their neighbors. When reaching higher levels, farmers can earn extra features for their farm. For example, at level 5, a farmer can fertilize their neighbors' crops and at level 10, they can work their way to crop mastery.
- The levels (also known as races and tracks) are the place within locations where Carmageddon games' action takes place. The levels are generally complex locations in which the drivers race around. Most of these landscapes are changed each time to place Checkpoints and such at different locations for the races. Scattered along the levels are Powerups. Due to the levels' complex nature, the player is free to roam around the scenery and explore all they want. Some areas may never be used for any race, but can still be visited for mowing down pedestrians or sightseeing.
- Level, commonly abbreviated Lv, is . In order to increase one's level, experience points, commonly abbreviated EXP, have to be earned. The usual maximum level is 99, although not all non-player characters and enemies go by these limitations - Reich-themed characters in early versions of Random Kingdom III, for example, had a level cap based on multipliers of 12 and could reach a maximum level of 144.
- Level is the primary characteristic that determines a Guardian's progression and power. A Guardian can reach a maximum level of 40 by gaining experience. After reaching level 40, a Guardian can increase his or her power increasing their Light.
- Pro Kampf bekommt man Erfahrungspunkte (auch: EP), und pro Level braucht man eine bestimmte Menge von ihnen, um das nächste Level zu erreichen. Es gibt auch Berufslevel und Zauberlevel, dafür siehe Berufe und die jeweiligen Unterseiten von Klasse
- Levels in MGO grant no benefits, it's purely a measure of player skill. However, some players cheat thus altering their true stats.
- A level refers to the standardized grouping involved in the Temple of the Heavens' moderation staff. There are five levels, each corresponding to a level of responsibility and accountability to the Temple.
- File:Quake1.gif <default>LEVEL</default> Game Episode Designer Level Editor Soundtrack Level Theme Previous Map Next Map Specific Information Enemies Secrets New Weapons New Powerups New Obstacles New Enemies New Misc [Source] Hello is a Single Player level in Aftershock for Quake.
- Wenn man genug XP angesammelt hat, erreicht man ein neues Level. Das gibt einem einige Vorteile wie mehr IPs, die man für Fähigkeiten ausgeben kann. Statt "Level Up" o. ä. sagen viele Spieler "Ding", wenn sie ein neues Level erreichen.
- Kategorie:Stub Die verschiedenen Level sind eine alte Funktion auf Howrse, die am 20. Juli 2010 durch die neuen Ziele und das Tutorial abgeschafft wurden. Durch die verschiedenen Level erhielt man verschiedenen Boni und sogar Schwarzmarktgegenstände.
- Levels are the ranking system in Kingdom Hearts Online. A player may be anywhere from level 1 to level 99, depending on how much experience he/she has earned. A player earns experience by killing enemies. Once a player achieves the goal experience amount, they level up and are given one stat point. The stat points may be used to level up the character's statistics.
- Level could mean different things in different games. This is just to give a basic knowledge of the Leveling System.
- Levels are a feature of DashNet Forums, designed as both a way of showing a user's contributions to the community, and as a way to prevent spammers from going haywire. It was added in the 2.better Update.
- Level is a flat surface measuring device. Turn this app and use BB to see if a solid surface is at a perfectly horizontal level.
- A character's level is determined by how many experience points it has accumulated. In progressing from level 1 to 5 (either by completing the tutorial or spawning at Dome City, if a player skips the tutorial) a character unlocks the standard jetpack, melee weapon, ranged weapon, specialty device, and three off hand devices for its respective class. Beyond level 5, your level allows you to purchase more powerful and versatile gear from shops (as well as equip devices obtained from missions), and also increases your skill points.
- Level je mjera razvoja neke zgrade ili istraživanja. Izgradnja neke zgrade ili istraživanja u igri kreće od čistih materijala. Izgradnjom neke zgrade ona postaje level 1 a svakim daljnjim unaprijeđenjem povećava se level i time zgrada postaje učinkovitija. U slučaju rudnika povećanje levela donosi veću proizvodnju resursa, u slučaju pogona povećanje brzine brodova i slično. Porastom levela raste i cijena zgrade ili istraživanja.
- A level functions as a progress marker in Hill Climb Racing. In stages, levels are meter marks (200m, 400m, etc.). When you surpass the mark, you complete the level and gain a coin bonus. Afterward, you can move onto more levels and get more bonuses. Passing levels does not provide anything other than a progress marker and bonuses.
- There are several ways of accumulating XP. Known values are shown below. If you are under the effect of a Lucky Egg when performing any of these actions, the XP gained will be doubled.
- There are twelve levels in Legend of the Red Dragon. They are:
* Level 1
* Level 2
* Level 3
* Level 4
* Level 5
* Level 6
* Level 7
* Level 8
* Level 9
* Level 10
* Level 11
* Level 12 This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- O veadawdawdawdawdbteve máximo UMA Certa Quantidade de Pontos de aventura, Ela Vai avançar hum NÍVEL. This Tabela Mostra, quantos pontos de aventura São necessários par chegar a hum Determinado NÍVEL.wdaw
- Das Level eines Charakters oder Monsters ist grob gesagt das Niveau. Bestimmte Gegenstände haben ein Mindestniveau (Mindestlevel), um sie benutzen zu können.
- File:Icon level bullet.gifTo level up your character, you need to collect Experience from Jobs, Fights, Boss Fights, or Helping your Mafia. Your level increases as you fill up your Experience Meter in the top right corner of the screen. The amount of experience needed for the next level increases each time you level up. Each Job Tier requires you to have a certain level.
* Current Level Cap is 25,000
- Level is established automatically when the lines form a closed shape, such as a square. SketchUp is a level of smooth and straight surface such as a floor or a table actually is. Levels can be painted and they can choose the textures (Paint Tool (Paint Bucket)). Levels are opaque, unless they are selected transparent texture.
- In Marble Blast Gold, they are classified into four categories: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Custom. Each category described the difficulty of the levels they presented, while Custom levels are player-made or community-made levels that one can add to the game, simply by downloading and adding customized files to the game. Previous levels in each difficulty are required to be completed before advancing to the next.
- Levels are featured predominantly in the Pokémon games. They are determined by how much experience that Pokémon has. A Pokémon's level will range from 1 to 100. When a Pokémon gains a level, its stats increase by a small amount. It may also learn a new move or evolve. A Pokémon's level will also affect its happiness. Using Rare Candies will also raise happiness, though for a long time people thought it did not, due to a Pokémon's happiness also being raised by the large amount of walking that a player must do in long grass to encounter wild Pokémon or recharge such items as the Vs. Seeker.
- A Level (formerly Level Star in the card text of Ritual Monster Cards and Ritual Spell Cards; Japanese: レベル or 星(レベル) Reberu) is a property of monsters. The original Level of a Monster Card is represented by a number of stars File:CG Star.svg in the top-right (except for "Ultimaya Tzolkin" and "Phantasmal Lord Ultimitl Bishbaalkin", which each have a Level condition that determines their original Level instead of their marked Level of 0). A monster can only have a single Level at a time.
- In 9Dragons, the strength of a character can be measured by their level. 9Dragons has a unique level system, where it is divided into 20 tiers, and each tier has 12 Chengs (sublevels). Whenever you reach a new level, you will receive 4 chi points and 1 mastery point (at tier it's 6 chi points and 3 masteries), and will have your HP and VE fully restored. These levels also have a numerical value.
- Noun - Characters, enemies and even ships are described by their level. This refers to their overall strength, both attack and defense. Pirates are ranked by their Notoriety level or earned experience points. Also, skills are listed by achieved level of proficiency. In the game, the highest notoriety level you can reach is 50, and for skills is 30. Currently the maximum level for Potions and Fishing is 20. Ex. - "That Dragoon is a level 29, and my pirate is only level 20 - so I better try to avoid him." Ex. - "I went to Kingshead to 'level' my grenades."
- Tibian levels represent the experience of a character. The more experience, the more levels a character will have. All characters start at level 1 when they first enter the game, in the Tutorial Island. They gain experience by killing monsters or by completing certain quests, and with the experience comes the levels. At level 8 a character is allowed to leave Rookgaard by talking to The Oracle. There used to be another statue called The Gatekeeper which used to be on the Premium area of Rookgaard but this was removed in the 8.2 update. Every time you gain one level, you receive: