| - Techno. Best music available to men and mice.
* Sih. Lih. Bull. Ack. Cen. Ting.
* Un-un-un, well uh *UN!*necessary orgasm noises
* Sudde npauses.
* Repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition
* Fugue style fugue repetition style repetition fugue fugue style fugue repetition style repti- fug- repe- *CRASH* UNSH UNSH UNSH UNSH UNSH
* Techno Techno Techno Techno Techno Techno Techno also features lots of title repetition.
- Techno – gatunek muzyki klubowej wykorzystujący do swoich potrzeb elektronikę z lekką posypką amfetaminy zażywaną tuż po posiłku w toalecie podczas łykania piksów. Co ciekawe, sami wykonawcy kojarzeni z techno mówią, że to nie techno, tylko, przykładowo, „lambada-hardkor”. W każdym razie jest to muzyka zagadkowa, do zbadania przez profesorów akademii muzycznych.
- Techno er en hjernedød, irriterende musikksjanger som også er forbindet med horer som spiller på sex for å få solgt cder, ingen liker egentlig techno siden det er en del av pop, som ingen heller liker og er egentlig det samme. Techno lages av mennesker uten noe særlig med liv, og nytes best i en bil med bagasjerommet fullt av høyttalere. En normal skrivefeil er Tecno.
- Virus.DOS.Techno.1123 is a parasitic virus on DOS.
- here are just a few things about Techno.
- Ben acquires a new alien species, called a Maqhainian from the planet Maqhain. They can:
* control minds (telepathy)
* merge bodies together
* phase into people, controlling them
* destroy technology
- Techno wird vielerorts als Sammelbegriff für verschiedene, miteinander verwandte Stilrichtungen verwendet und bezeichnet auch eine Bewegung der Jugendkultur, die vor allem in den 90er-Jahren von Bedeutung war. Einige bekannte DJ's, die man dem Techno zuordnet Deutschland • Alter Ego • Chris Liebing • Der dritte Raum • DJ Hell • Dr. Motte • Heiko Laux • Johannes Heil • Monika Kruse • Sven Väth • Talla 2XLC • Wolfgang Voigt • Westbam International • Adam Beyer • Carl Cox • Dave Clarke • Jeff Mills • Juan Atkins • Ken Ishii • Miss Djax • Richie Hawtin • Speedy J • Takkyo Ishino
- Das Item Techno ist ein extrem seltenes, und teures Item. Man benötigt es um Pokémon von den Typen Jumpstyle und Elegant aus den Pokébällen zu bekommen, da diese ohne Lockmittel weder aus den Bällen kommen, noch kämpfen. Der Experte (Prof. Teich) schätzt, dass es nur etwa 100 Stück davon gibt. Ebenfalls zu beachten ist, dass man das Item nur einmal einsetzen kann. Kategorie:Item
- Techno (pozor neplést si s pojmem technologie) je hluboký tón opakovaný až několikrát za sekundu. Někteří lidé ho označují za hudbu, to je ovšem třeba brát s nadsázkou. Skladby techna se vyznačují tím, že jsou všechny stejné. Zkušený uživatel může najít malé nuance v rychlosti a délce jednotlivých skladeb a tím oddělit zrno od plev.
- La techno se danse soit comme un mec shooté soit shooté. Cela consiste à avoir un mouvement global du corps extrêmement lent un peu comme un film au ralenti rythmé par un mouvement saccadé en rythme avec le beat accompagné parfois d... non restez ! En fait, danser sur de la techno est ridicule parce que les créateurs de la techno ont inventé la techno il y a 20 ans et qu'ils n'ont inventé la danse qu'en 2007.
- Originating Location: Detroit, MI Originating Era: 1980s
- Paul Ebersol is a Marvel Comics character who appears in Avengers Assemble. He is a former employee of Stark Industries who feels spurned by Tony Stark and decided to turn into the villain Fixer. He uses his brilliant scientific mind to create machines and weapons that aid him in his supervillain career, including his very own suit of power armor. As Fixer, he is a member of the Masters of Evil. He later resurfaces as the superhero Techno, helping the Avengers defeat Growing Man. Paul Ebersol was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
- Amazuka Techno (天塚(あまずか) テクノ), also known as Techno (テクノ), is a scout character.
- Techno [ˈtɛknoʊ] ist eine Stilrichtung der elektronischen Musik. Der Begriff wird auch als Sammelbegriff für verschiedene, miteinander verwandte Stilrichtungen der elektronischen Musik verwendet. Rund um die Musik existiert eine eigene Jugendkultur, die Technoszene.
- Techno - gatunek muzyki, w którym melodia opiera się na powtarzanym non stop jednym dźwięku umcy, umcy umcy umcy powtarzanym przez co najmniej 3 minuty. Słuchany głównie przez młodocianych mężczyzn. Dziewczyny zazwyczaj tego nie słuchają, gdyż mają słitaśne odmiany popu.
- Techno ist eine neuartige Musikgattung, die aufgrund synthetisch erzeugter Klänge erstmals in der Menschheitsgeschichte über einen nahezu unbegrenzten Klangraum verfügt. Wenn nun ein Instrument zur Verfügung steht, dass unendlich viele verschiedenartige Töne hervorbringen kann, muss sich aber auch ein Komponist finden, der aus diesem überwältigendem Angebot harmonische Kombinationen auswählt und sie zu einem höhrenswertem Stück zusammenfügt. Dies ist leider nur selten der Fall.
- Technos are normal humans that, out of fear, jealousy or something else, chose to incorporate technology into their everyday lives in order to balance out the fact that they, as normal humans, do not possess any kind of abilities that Mutants or Mystics have. Most Technos simply wear armor, choosing to use the technology that gives them power instead of becoming it. Other Technos, however, do go that extra mile and incorporate the technology in their own bodies through the use of bionic implants. Some bionic implants look like they normally would on humans simulating skin and hair while others don't, it really depends on what the Techno wants.
- Contrary to popular belief, Techno was not created by white people to enjoy drugs, Japanimation, and masturbating at rates of over 140 strokes a minute. Techno was actually created by Daft Punk and David Bowie as a result of their exploration of new types of music, updated synthesizers, and laxatives. Having a former pop star as big as Bowie backing it up rocketed this new form of expression into modern day acceptance, especially among youth and hip older folks, resulting in scarcely a Sunday morning passing unaccompanied by the thumping of constant drug-fueled raves in the fields.
- TECHNO is a high-ranking angel (Elder), an Alien from the Planet Krypton and a powerful Empath since birth; he was enable to orb, fly & be intuitive right after being born. He was hovering several feet above the ground hours after being born, he was able to conjure up a fresh diaper after crying to change him, and was able to toggle the television on and off continuously when he needed attention. A couple of months after being born, he was able to speak; saying the basics such as "Mami" (meaning mother), "Hambre" (meaning hungry), "Titi" (meaning aunt), "bobo" (meaning pacifier), and etc. TECHNO was able to orb himself to different destinations inside his home like the living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen; whenever he was sleepy, his body reaction was to orb to his crib and sleep the
- Techno (テクノ Tekuno?) is a character from Mega Man Xtreme and the twin brother of Middy. He is a skilled hacker, who was manipulated by Sigma into using his skills for evil. Techno and the Shadow Hunters hacked into the Hunter Base's Mother Computer mainframe, setting its data to cause chaos all over the world and reproducing fighting data from past Mavericks.
- Techno (テクノTekuno) es un personaje de Mega Man Xtreme y el hermano gemelo de Middy. Este Reploid es un hacker experto, que fue manipulado por Sigma en el uso de sus habilidades para el mal. Techno y los Cazadores de Sombras cortaron en la unidad central de Madre, el ordenador de la Base de los X-Hunters, usando el establecimiento de sus datos para causar el caos en todo el mundo y reproducir datos de combate de Mavericks pasados.