| - Folkriket Ny Sverige is a prosperous, safe, progressive, and environmentally stunning nation, notable for it's statist politics. It's stable and relatively homogenous population of 50 million are ruled with an iron fist by a totalitarian republic under the leadership of the fascist ruling party; the Party of the Realm, or Rikspartiet. It is hard to decipher where the ominpresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but in their regular lives, citizens remain relatively unoppressed, with a bill of reasonable rights. A strong sense of patriotism and nationalism exists in Ny Sverige and all of it's territories, now encompassing all of Scandinavia, excluding continental Denmark and including the Baltic States and parts of Russia. The State juggles the competing demands of Law and Order, Education, Healthcare, and Defense. Citizens tend to view multicultural, consumerist, and communist states as immoral and corrupt. Ny Sverige's army is full of 2 metre tall super-soldiers, Eugenics programs are underway, birds and children's kites are regularly shot down by anti-aircraft fire, light drugs like marijuana are legal and sold in liquor stores, and encroachment into natural areas has come to a halt as the state and prominent businesses redevelop the inner cities, adding subways and underground infrastructure. Crime is totally unknown thanks to a well-equipped police force and progressive social policies in education and healthcare. The national animal is the Lion, and Odin's raven flies freely throughout the beautiful skies of this unpolluted nation.