This starship was classified as a class 6 supply ship and was armed with class 3 defensive armaments. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection" ) In 2293, the Lantree was assigned a colony resupply mission in Sector 22858. The ship was named on a Starship Mission Assignments chart on the USS Enterprise-A bridge. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) In 2365, Captain L. Isao Telaka was the commanding officer of the Lantree. At the beginning of their duty cycle, the twenty-six crewmembers had a complete examination. All were in perfect health. The ship was assigned to Sector Gamma 7.
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- USS Lantree
- USS Lantree
- USS Lantree
- USS Lantree
| - Nave de la Flota Estelar, bajo el comando del Capitán L. Isao Telaka, catalogada como Nave de Suministros Clase 6. En el año 2365, la nave estaba asignada al Sector Gamma 7. Después de una visita a la Estación Científica Darwin, sus 26 tripulantes murieron víctimas de una desconocida enfermedad. El USS Enterprise-D acudió a su última llamada de rescate, y luego de investigar los orígenes de la epidemia, la nave fue destruida con torpedos de fotones para evitar que el mal se propague.
- This starship was classified as a class 6 supply ship and was armed with class 3 defensive armaments. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection" ) In 2293, the Lantree was assigned a colony resupply mission in Sector 22858. The ship was named on a Starship Mission Assignments chart on the USS Enterprise-A bridge. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) In 2365, Captain L. Isao Telaka was the commanding officer of the Lantree. At the beginning of their duty cycle, the twenty-six crewmembers had a complete examination. All were in perfect health. The ship was assigned to Sector Gamma 7.
- USS Lantree (NCC-1837) byla Federační lodí třídy Miranda, která byla ve službě od konce 23. do poloviny 24. století. V roce 2293 Lantree převážela zásoby do kolonie v sektoru 22858. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ) Během šedesátých let 23. století byla loď pod velením kapitána L. Isao Telaka a operovala s posádkou čítající 26 osob. V té době byla zařazena pod klasifikaci zásobovací lodi třídy 6.
- De USS Lantree (NCC-1837) was een Miranda-klasse Federatie sterrenschip in de 24e eeuw. In 2293 vervoerde de Lantree kolonievoorraden in sector 22858 op het moment dat Operatie redding werd voorgesteld. De Lantree was op een sterrenschip missie status kaart op de brug van de USS Enterprise-A te zien. ("Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country", okudagram) Halverwege de 2360s stond het schip onder het bevel van kapitein Telaka en had het een bemanning van 26 personen. Op dat moment werd het schip geclassificeerd als een klasse 6 bevoorradingsschip en was het uitgerust met klasse 3 bewapening.
- thumb|Die führerlose USS Lantree. Die USS Lantree (NCC-1837) ist in den 2360ern ein Versorgungsschiff der Klasse 6, einer Variante der Miranda-Klasse, und steht unter dem Kommando von Captain L. Isao Telaka. Die im Gamma-7-Sektor eingesetzte USS Lantree ist mit Defensivwaffen der Klasse 3 ausgerüstet und hat eine Besatzungsstärke von 26 Personen.
- Her original Captain was Captain Gees. After graduating from Starfleet Academy Salvatore Giotto was assigned to the Lantree, which he served on for twenty years before he served on the Enterprise. (TOS novel: A Choice of Catastrophes) In the 2290s, her commanding officer was K. Glover. This information is from a page of the command briefing for Operation Retrieve that isn't seen in the movie. In the year 2293, the Lantree was carrying colony supplies in Sector 22858 during the time Operation Retrieve was proposed. (TOS movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
- The USS Lantree (NCC-1837) was a Miranda-class cruiser that saw service with the Federation Starfleet in the 23rd and 24th century. In 2278, the Lantree undertook a 5 year mission to explore the rimward regions of the Alpha Quadrant. Following this assignment the Lantree was assigned to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone and neighbouring Federation systems from 2284 to 2289. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era) From 2278 to 2289 the Lantree was captained by Michele Tyler. (Star Trek: Eagle)
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| - The USS Lantree (NCC-1837) was a Miranda-class cruiser that saw service with the Federation Starfleet in the 23rd and 24th century. In 2278, the Lantree undertook a 5 year mission to explore the rimward regions of the Alpha Quadrant. Following this assignment the Lantree was assigned to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone and neighbouring Federation systems from 2284 to 2289. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era) From 2278 to 2289 the Lantree was captained by Michele Tyler. (Star Trek: Eagle) By 2360s, the Lantree had been designated as a class 6 supply ship. In 2365, the crew of the Lantree were killed after they were accidentally exposed to a virulent and incurable disease. To prevent the further spread of the contagion the ship was destroyed by the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection")
- thumb|Die führerlose USS Lantree. Die USS Lantree (NCC-1837) ist in den 2360ern ein Versorgungsschiff der Klasse 6, einer Variante der Miranda-Klasse, und steht unter dem Kommando von Captain L. Isao Telaka. Die im Gamma-7-Sektor eingesetzte USS Lantree ist mit Defensivwaffen der Klasse 3 ausgerüstet und hat eine Besatzungsstärke von 26 Personen. 2365 wird die gesamte Crew der Lantree durch den Kontakt mit genetisch manipulierten menschlichen Kindern von der genetischen Forschungsstation Darwin auf Gagarin IV getötet. Deren verbessertes Immunsystem sucht aktiv nach Krankheitsquellen und greift diese an, was bei dem Opfer zu einem beschleunigten Alterungsprozess führt. thumb|Die Vernichtung der Lantree Nachdem die Besatzung der USS Enterprise bemerkt hat, dass die Crew bereits tot ist und erste Daten darauf hindeuten, dass ihre Todesursache nicht natürlichen Ursprungs ist, aktiviert man von der Brücke der Enterprise aus, den Quarantänealarm der Lantree, in dem eine permanente Funkbotschaft vom Schiff ausgeht, dass die Lantree nicht betreten werden darf. Nach Abschluss der Untersuchungen zu dem Vorfall wird die Lantree von der Enterprise mit Photonentorpedos zerstört, um eine Ausbreitung der tödlichen Antikörper zu verhindern. (TNG: )
- Her original Captain was Captain Gees. After graduating from Starfleet Academy Salvatore Giotto was assigned to the Lantree, which he served on for twenty years before he served on the Enterprise. (TOS novel: A Choice of Catastrophes) In the 2290s, her commanding officer was K. Glover. This information is from a page of the command briefing for Operation Retrieve that isn't seen in the movie. In the year 2293, the Lantree was carrying colony supplies in Sector 22858 during the time Operation Retrieve was proposed. (TOS movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) This ship was not specifically mentioned in the movie's dialogue, but was listed in several starship status charts seen on the sets of the film. The Lantree continued in service as a cruiser into the 24th century. (TNG video game: Birth of the Federation) By the 2360s, the Lantree had been refitted with class 3 defensive armaments and was reclassified as a class 6 supply ship, with a crew complement of twenty-six. In 2365, under the command of Captain L. Isao Telaka, the ship was assigned to the Sector Gamma 7. Shortly after visiting Darwin Genetic Research Station, all 26 crewmembers fell victim to a mysterious aging disease later identified as geriatric phenomena during communications between Dr. Sara Kingsley and the USS Enterprise-D. After answering her distress signal, the Enterprise found the Lantree adrift in space, her crew deceased, and subsequently quarantined the ship. After it became clear that the disease, caused by the immune systems of the children at Darwin, was highly contagious and could not be cured medically, the Enterprise destroyed the vessel with one photon torpedo to prevent further transmission. The details of the last mission of the Lantree were classified by Starfleet Intelligence. (TNG episode: "Unnatural Selection", Decipher RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual) The Lantree, in transport modification, was a reuse of the USS Reliant model from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, but with the "roll bar" removed. The name "Lantree" is of uncertain origin; the ship may have been named for Anne "Honey" Lantree of the 1960s band The Honeycombs. The name was probably chosen for the ease of the modelers, as "Lantree" could be spelled by rearranging existing decals that spelled "Reliant"
- USS Lantree (NCC-1837) byla Federační lodí třídy Miranda, která byla ve službě od konce 23. do poloviny 24. století. V roce 2293 Lantree převážela zásoby do kolonie v sektoru 22858. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ) Během šedesátých let 23. století byla loď pod velením kapitána L. Isao Telaka a operovala s posádkou čítající 26 osob. V té době byla zařazena pod klasifikaci zásobovací lodi třídy 6. V roce 2365 byla loď převelena do sektoru Gamma 7. Krátce po návštěvě Darwinovy genetické výzkumné stanice začalo všech 26 členů posádky pociťovat příznaky nezvykle rychlého stárnutí. Tato nemoc pak byla klasifikována hlavní lékařkou z lodi USS Enterprise-D. Enterprise odpověděla na nouzové volání z Lantree a nalezla loď bezvládně plující vesmírem. Všichni členové posádky mezitím zemřeli v důsledku rapidního stárnutí. Lantree byla později Enterprise preventivně zničena, aby se agresivní nemoc nemohla dále šířit. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection")
- Nave de la Flota Estelar, bajo el comando del Capitán L. Isao Telaka, catalogada como Nave de Suministros Clase 6. En el año 2365, la nave estaba asignada al Sector Gamma 7. Después de una visita a la Estación Científica Darwin, sus 26 tripulantes murieron víctimas de una desconocida enfermedad. El USS Enterprise-D acudió a su última llamada de rescate, y luego de investigar los orígenes de la epidemia, la nave fue destruida con torpedos de fotones para evitar que el mal se propague.
- De USS Lantree (NCC-1837) was een Miranda-klasse Federatie sterrenschip in de 24e eeuw. In 2293 vervoerde de Lantree kolonievoorraden in sector 22858 op het moment dat Operatie redding werd voorgesteld. De Lantree was op een sterrenschip missie status kaart op de brug van de USS Enterprise-A te zien. ("Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country", okudagram) Halverwege de 2360s stond het schip onder het bevel van kapitein Telaka en had het een bemanning van 26 personen. Op dat moment werd het schip geclassificeerd als een klasse 6 bevoorradingsschip en was het uitgerust met klasse 3 bewapening. In 2365 werd het schip toegewezen aan sector Gamma 7. Kort na het bezoek aan het Darwin genetisch onderzoeksstation vielen alle 26 bemanningsleden ten prooi aan een mysterieuze verouderingsziekte. Tijdens communicatie met Dr. Sara Kingsley werd door de bemanning van de Enterprise vastgesteld dat de bemanning in feite bejaard was. Na het beantwoorden van een noodsignaal vond de Enterprise de Lantree op drift in de ruimte, terwijl de bemanning overleden was. Het schip werd vervolgens onder quarantaine geplaatst. Nadat het duidelijk werd dat de ziekte, die veroorzaakte werd door het immuunsysteem van de kinderen op het Darwin Station, zeer besmettelijk was en niet met medicijnen genezen kon worden, werd het schip door de Enterprise met een fotontorpedo verwoest om verdere verspreiding te voorkomen. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection")
- This starship was classified as a class 6 supply ship and was armed with class 3 defensive armaments. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection" ) In 2293, the Lantree was assigned a colony resupply mission in Sector 22858. The ship was named on a Starship Mission Assignments chart on the USS Enterprise-A bridge. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) In 2365, Captain L. Isao Telaka was the commanding officer of the Lantree. At the beginning of their duty cycle, the twenty-six crewmembers had a complete examination. All were in perfect health. The ship was assigned to Sector Gamma 7. Five days before stardate 42494, the first officer was treated for Thelusian flu. Two days later, the Lantree visited the Darwin Genetic Research Station. Shortly after visiting the station, all twenty-six crewmembers fell victim to a mysterious aging disease that was later identified as geriatric phenomena during communications between Dr. Sara Kingsley and the USS Enterprise-D. After answering her distress signal, the Enterprise-D found the Lantree adrift in space. With her crew deceased, the ship's quarantine transmitter and marker beacons were initiated to warn other vessels of the danger. After it became clear that the disease, caused by the immune systems of the children at Darwin, was highly contagious and could not be cured medically, the Enterprise-D destroyed the starship with one photon torpedo to prevent further transmission. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection" )
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