| - Hello, everybody. As some of you may have noticed, I unfortunately haven't been able to put in much time to Wookieepedia lately. This is due to the fact that my real life is getting busier and busier all the time. This got me to thinking. I love WP:VG and the time and effort I, and everyone else, has put into it. Thus, I don't want to see it crumble simply because I don't have enough time. This is where the big news comes in: starting today, I will no longer be the leader of WookieeProject Video Games. I have asked Corellian Premier to become the new leader of the project. He has been involved almost since the beginning, and he has put in a tremendous amount of effort into WP:VG. He accepted the offer, so as of today, he will be the new leader of WP:VG. I will stay on as the "official" hea
| - Hello, everybody. As some of you may have noticed, I unfortunately haven't been able to put in much time to Wookieepedia lately. This is due to the fact that my real life is getting busier and busier all the time. This got me to thinking. I love WP:VG and the time and effort I, and everyone else, has put into it. Thus, I don't want to see it crumble simply because I don't have enough time. This is where the big news comes in: starting today, I will no longer be the leader of WookieeProject Video Games. I have asked Corellian Premier to become the new leader of the project. He has been involved almost since the beginning, and he has put in a tremendous amount of effort into WP:VG. He accepted the offer, so as of today, he will be the new leader of WP:VG. I will stay on as the "official" head, but I will stay out of CP's hair unless it's really necessary. :P I'm sure there won't be any problems, since I trust CP to be able to handle the project well; I wouldn't have chosen him if that wasn't the case. Anyway, CP, here are the keys. :P And here is to many more successful years of WP:VG leading Wookieepedia in the games!—Cal JediFile:Infinite Empire.svg (Personal Comm Channel) 14:02, August 26, 2013 (UTC)
* Thanks, Cal. Hey folks, I just wanted to chime in here and say that I'm pleased to have been given this opportunity, and I look forward to seeing WP:VG keep growing. I've been cooking up some ideas, so keep an eye out for that soon. Corellian PremierFile:Jedi symbol.svgThe Force will be with you always 01:22, August 27, 2013 (UTC)
* Sorry to see you step down Cal; I think that Corellian Premier was the best choice to make to lead the project. I look forward to see what he has in store for us.--Exiled Jedi File:Oldrepublic crest.svg (Greetings) 01:37, August 27, 2013 (UTC)
* CP will definitely be a fitting leader. Pity to see you stepping down though Cal, but such is life. Commander Code-8 You lost the game! 08:41, August 27, 2013 (UTC)