| - Every Saturday, I will put up a list of 3 powerlevels and their descriptions First, I have 2 types of powerlevels scales Conserve Scale: conserving and mathematical Daiz: Follow the Daiz closer (except Gogeta, his BP is way out of the park) and are less complex and annylitical 10/25/14 Conserve Scale: 1,400,000,000. On this scale he is 2x as strong as Super Perfect Cell and is quite stronger than Majin Boo. But he is slightly outclassed by Super Boo, and could get one shotted by Boohan/Bootenks Daiz Scale: 1,400,000,000. He is the same here, but for these standards they are pitifully low and Kid Boo could easily get one shotted by him Conserve Scale: 2,500,000,000. On this scale he is above Majin Boo and Super Boo but below Boohan and Bootenks by great levels, overall he is slightly stronger than Super Saiya-jin 3 Goku (1,580,000,000) Daiz Scale: 16,000,000,000. On this scale he is slightly above Super Boo but quite lower then Boohan and Bootenks. He is slightly stronger than Super Saiya-Jin 3 Goku (15,000,000,000) Conserve Scale: 3,600,000,000. Chou Gohan was extremely powerful in this scale, only being outclassed by Super Boo's Absorptions and Vegito. He is the strongest character without any absorptions/fusions before Beerus and Whis Daiz Scale: 27,500,000,000. Chou Gohan is the strongest Non-fused character before Beerus or Whis 11/1/2014 Conserve Scale: 414,750,000. He is pretty weak in base, but Super Veggeto makes up for it Daiz Scale: 3,125,000,000. On this scale he is >2x stronger than Brolli, but much weaker than any Boo Saga character. Conserve Scale: 20,737,500,000. Super Veggeto is roughly 3 times more powerful than Boohan. Daiz Scale: 156,250,000,000. Super Veggeto is roughly 3 times more powerful than Booh Conserve Scale: 82,950,000,000. On this scale he is respectable, but not as strong as Beerus or Whis Daiz Scale:1,250,000,000,000 . On this scale his power is above full powered Beerus, but much weaker than Whis 11/8/14 Conserve Scale: 5,360,000,000. On this scale he is much stronger than Chou Gohan or Kid Boo Daiz Scale: 31,400,000,000. Bootenks is at the same position as he is in the other scale. But his powerlevel is leagues higher Conserve Scale: 6,506,000,000. On this scale he is well above almost every Dragon Ball Z character, he is the strongest form of Boo by far Daiz Scale: 40,480,125,000. Boohan has a very high powerlevel. He is the strongest form of Boo Conserve Scale: 20,006,000,00. This hypothetical form is crazy strong, he could easily take out almost every character except Beerus, Whis, and Super Saiya-Jin 4 Gogeta Daiz Scale: 100,480,125,000. On this scale, Boomega is actually stronger than Super Saiya-Jin 4 Gogeta. But Beerus and Whis are still leagues higher than Boomega.