| - Hulkupine was the first named Harm creature, followed by the HarmZard. It is a green coloured, leg-less porcupine of small stature. The Hulkupine is currently playing around as Gaius Balius’ supposed pet. It is an intangible culmination of effects given form, without inherent existence, hence being called a Harm creature. Unlike other Harm creatures, this was the first to show itself, while the others are completely elusive and rarely try to contact any creatures at all.
| - Hulkupine was the first named Harm creature, followed by the HarmZard. It is a green coloured, leg-less porcupine of small stature. The Hulkupine is currently playing around as Gaius Balius’ supposed pet. It is an intangible culmination of effects given form, without inherent existence, hence being called a Harm creature. Unlike other Harm creatures, this was the first to show itself, while the others are completely elusive and rarely try to contact any creatures at all. It is said that Harm creatures are formed over from the remnants of the Eternal Crystal of Infinity, and are some of the strongest creatures to ever exist due to their purity. Despite having no real presence or existence, it can manifest multiple different aspects, supposedly creating a physical body (Which is actually the effect of bending light rays to reflect its presence, and generating a force to assert a form of Physical Reality), and this allows it to communicate and keep in touch with general things, rather than remaining an invisible, intangible force. However, although it is a culmination of effects, it seemingly has a presence-less consciousness without Spirit, which is how it remains aware and giving it the ability to “rationalize”. It is also the first Harm creature to reveal its true actualized presence (i.e ALL of its effects at once), ending up devastating a 10 kilometre radius at the instant it manifested (to which it immediately stopped itself).