| - Title and short intro here.
- Pollyanna was a model and associate of the criminal Piggy Butcher. She was tall and voluptuous, with long blonde hair that she typically wore down over her face. She had the habit of referring to herself in the third person.
- "Pollyanna" is the name of a reoccurring song in the Mother series. Appearing in every Mother game, it is just titled differently. in EarthBound Beginnings, it is titled "Pollyanna (I Believe In You)", and it plays in Podunk. In EarthBound it is titled "Home Sweet Home" and it plays in Ness's House. In Mother 3, it is titled "A Certain Someone's Memories". It has also appeared in the Super Smash Bros. games, which identify it as EarthBound's main theme. The name of the song comes from a classic children's novel of the same name by Eleanor H. Porter.
- Die Pollyanna ist ein irdisches Raumschiff eines unbekannten Jahrhunderts. Laut dem Zwölften Doctor gehört es zu den Sonnenraumschiffen der Neunten Ära. Kommandant und vermutlich Besitzer des Schiffes ist der Quadrillionär Rudy Zoom, der eine ausschließlich weibliche Besatzung engagiert hat, um als erster Mensch auf der Sonne zu landen. Kategorie:Raumschiffe
- thumb Pollyanna es una película del año 1960.
- Pollyanna (1960) is a Buena Vista Distribution feature film starring child actress Hayley Mills, Jane Wyman, Karl Malden, and Richard Egan in a story about a cheerful orphan changing the outlook of a small town. Based upon the novel of the same name (1913) by Eleanor Porter, it was written and directed by David Swift. It marks Mills' first of six films for Disney and won the actress an Academy Juvenile Award. It has been broadcast on television and released to VHS and DVD.
- Pollyanna a novel by Eleanor Porter, is the first of a series of thirteen novels known as "The Glad Books", about an orphaned girl living with her aunt in the early 20th century. Young Pollyanna goes by a philosophy called "The Glad Game" where she finds something to be glad about in every situation. Combined with her sunny personality, her presence helps to reform her dismal town and, most effectively, her miserable aunt.