| - Child abuse can take many forms, see for more information.
- Child abuse is the physical or psychological/emotional mistreatment of children.
- There are numerous effects for both the child abused and the person responsible for the abuse. “Child abuse: An Overview” proves that there are many effects for the child after child abuse. “Children who survive abuse grow up more likely to negatively impact our society in many ways, not just by handing down the legacy of abuse to their own cynicism, anger and violence, and crime, drug and disease.” -Child Abuse: An Overview-
- Child abuse was the systematic mistreatment of a child by their parents or other adults. Abusers often developed a strong influence over their victims, so much so that some abused children displayed a wish to return to their abusers, known as Stockholm syndrome. (TNG: "Suddenly Human" ) In 2370, while attempting to discern the reason for Miles O'Brien's criminal behavior against the Cardassians, Kovat asked if he was abused by his parents. O'Brien replied in the negative. (DS9: "Tribunal")
| - There are numerous effects for both the child abused and the person responsible for the abuse. “Child abuse: An Overview” proves that there are many effects for the child after child abuse. “Children who survive abuse grow up more likely to negatively impact our society in many ways, not just by handing down the legacy of abuse to their own cynicism, anger and violence, and crime, drug and disease.” -Child Abuse: An Overview- The evidence above states the long-term effects child abuse has on children. It lets us know that child abuse affects us all negatively even if we are not directly involved with the abuse. The list of negative effects is long and very pessimist. The next citation proves how vast the consequences can be for the abuser. “Any person, official, or institution required by the reporting laws to report a case of suspected child abuse or maltreatment who knowingly and willfully fails to do so shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor. … Falsely reporting an incident in the third degree is a class A misdemeanor.” –Child abuse: An Overview- The citation above proves how vast the consequences can be by listing some of the consequences. It states who can becharged with a Class A misdemeanor. If a so many people can get charged with a misdemeanor, imagine the real abusers. It states “falsely reporting” is a crime so everyone should know the definition to abuse so you can report the abuse correctly.== Numerous Effects == There are numerous effects for both the child abused and the person responsible for the abuse. “Child abuse: An Overview” proves that there are many effects for the child after child abuse. “Children who survive abuse grow up more likely to negatively impact our society in many ways, not just by handing down the legacy of abuse to their own cynicism, anger and violence, and crime, drug and disease.” -Child Abuse: An Overview- The evidence above states the long-term effects child abuse has on children. It lets us know that child abuse affects us all negatively even if we are not directly involved with the abuse. The list of negative effects is long and very pessimist. The next citation proves how vast the consequences can be for the abuser. “Any person, official, or institution required by the reporting laws to report a case of suspected child abuse or maltreatment who knowingly and willfully fails to do so shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor. … Falsely reporting an incident in the third degree is a class A misdemeanor.” –Child abuse: An Overview- The citation above proves how vast the consequences can be by listing some of the consequences. It states who can becharged with a Class A misdemeanor. If a so many people can get charged with a misdemeanor, imagine the real abusers. It states “falsely reporting” is a crime so everyone should know the definition to abuse so you can report the abuse correctly.
- Child abuse can take many forms, see for more information.
- Child abuse was the systematic mistreatment of a child by their parents or other adults. Abusers often developed a strong influence over their victims, so much so that some abused children displayed a wish to return to their abusers, known as Stockholm syndrome. (TNG: "Suddenly Human" ) In 2367, Doctor Beverly Crusher initially suspected child abuse after examining Jono and finding evidence of prior serious injuries ("two previously fractured ribs, a broken arm, and a low-grade concussion", as well as possible "neurological impairment") suffered while in the custody of the Talarian Endar. However, when Jean-Luc Picard addressed this, Endar explained that the boy's old wounds were as a result of accidents and warrior training. (TNG: "Suddenly Human" ) In 2370, while attempting to discern the reason for Miles O'Brien's criminal behavior against the Cardassians, Kovat asked if he was abused by his parents. O'Brien replied in the negative. (DS9: "Tribunal")
- Child abuse is the physical or psychological/emotional mistreatment of children.