Whelks are creatures found in Breath of Fire IV. File:BoFIV WhelkPortrait.png Whelks are large nautilus-like creatures used as a form of transportation in Breath of Fire IV. They are known to be aggressive and hard to tame and ride. In Breath of Fire IV Ryu borrows one from a Woren in Worent so he will be able to cross the Golden Plains to find Tahb. The Whelk that Ryu rode on seemed to take a liking too him quite quickly which surprises its owner.
Whelks are creatures found in Breath of Fire IV. File:BoFIV WhelkPortrait.png Whelks are large nautilus-like creatures used as a form of transportation in Breath of Fire IV. They are known to be aggressive and hard to tame and ride. In Breath of Fire IV Ryu borrows one from a Woren in Worent so he will be able to cross the Golden Plains to find Tahb. The Whelk that Ryu rode on seemed to take a liking too him quite quickly which surprises its owner.