| - A standard comedy trope which, at its core, takes the form: There's Alice, Bob, Charlie, Devan, and Eric. Somebody says, "We praise Alice, Bob, Charlie... and the rest." Thus Devan, Eric, and the rest of the Alphabet Crew are being casually insulted by being classed as not worth individual comment. Extra insult is added when "the rest" consists of only one person. See also Snub By Omission, My Friends and Zoidberg. Examples of And the Rest include:
| - A standard comedy trope which, at its core, takes the form: There's Alice, Bob, Charlie, Devan, and Eric. Somebody says, "We praise Alice, Bob, Charlie... and the rest." Thus Devan, Eric, and the rest of the Alphabet Crew are being casually insulted by being classed as not worth individual comment. Extra insult is added when "the rest" consists of only one person. Note that this trope is not necessarily meant as an insult in Japanese works. In Japanese, it is common for someone to refer to a group of people by a single person's name with a pluralizing suffix, like "Ken-tachi" to refer to "Ken's group," which is sometimes translated as "Ken and the rest." Examples should limit themselves to works in which the insult is obviously implied. See also Snub By Omission, My Friends and Zoidberg. Examples of And the Rest include: