| - The Ganache Mine can be found in the Ganache Mine District, as its name shows. It's next to Ramsey the blacksmith's. It's one of the two mines that can be found in HM:ToT. The other one is in Mt. Gelato, and you'll be able to explore it when you complete Ben's, Daren's and Collin's rainbows. Unlike other mines from other games (Island of Happiness, for example), when you're inside the Ganache Mine, time passes by as it would outside (inside other mines time passes a lot slower). You can find pits as in other mines, but falling in them will not hurt you, so your stamina will be safe. Pits will let you go down 1 or few floors, and Geysers will push you 1 or few floors up Ganache Mine has 30 floors. Some of them are a bit special:
* 7th floor: this floor is really dark and it's more difficult to find the stairs.
* 10th and 20th floors: you can find some ruins here. You'll meet Calvin in the 10th floor when he arrives to the island. Before you meet Calvin, time will freeze in floor 10th, use this time to eat foods or take a break without losing time.
* 18th floor: has a lot of pitfalls
* 19th floor: has a lot of toadstool and mushrooms
* 25th floor: has a lot of minerals
* 30th floor: here you'll find a small lake where you can fish, and the first time you get here you'll find a Power Berry. (please add more, 'cause there are more floors like these)