Ex. Turning in technical documents, popup saying how many caps you received won't show up.
* File:Icon xboxone.pngSometimes the AP cost of a V.A.T.S shot will stay marked on the AP. However toggling V.A.T.S seems to clear that up. [Überprüfung benötigt]Kategorie:Überprüfe
* File:Icon pc.pngFile:Icon xboxone.pngSometimes while using Chameleon mod, Stealth the Pip Boy will glow white and the map as well as some item stats will be obscure and almost impossible to make out. [Überprüfung benötigt]Kategorie:Überprüfe
* File:Icon ps4.png Sometimes the Pip Boy will be zoomed in and huge, hold the Pip Boy button and push back on controller. [Überprüfung benötigt]Kategorie:Überprüfe
* File:Icon ps4.png Occasionally the game will glitch and make it seem like you are using a stealth boy
Ex. Turning in technical documents, popup saying how many caps you received won't show up.
* File:Icon xboxone.pngSometimes the AP cost of a V.A.T.S shot will stay marked on the AP. However toggling V.A.T.S seems to clear that up. [Überprüfung benötigt]Kategorie:Überprüfe
* File:Icon pc.pngFile:Icon xboxone.pngSometimes while using Chameleon mod, Stealth the Pip Boy will glow white and the map as well as some item stats will be obscure and almost impossible to make out. [Überprüfung benötigt]Kategorie:Überprüfe
* File:Icon ps4.png Sometimes the Pip Boy will be zoomed in and huge, hold the Pip Boy button and push back on controller. [Überprüfung benötigt]Kategorie:Überprüfe
* File:Icon ps4.png Occasionally the game will glitch and make it seem like you are using a stealth boy when you are not. Enemies will ignore the effects stealth boy and see you as if the stealth boy was not on. The pip-boy's display will not work so when you bring it up it will look invisible. The bug is fixed easily by quitting the game and relaunching it.[Überprüfung benötigt]Kategorie:Überprüfe