| - thumb|300px|Dubstepowa szafa grająca z lat 90. Dubstep – muzyka wymyślona przez reggae-owców, którzy byli znudzeni swoim brzdękaniem o prędkości żółwia i chcieli czegoś więcej. Zaczęli więc okradać wojskowy demobil i puszczać muzykę od tyłu chińskim magnetowidem. Potem brzmienia zaczęły się rozwijać, dodawali basy od tyłu, dźwięki wydobyte z ulicznej toalety, ryki hipopotama, i zaczęli to wszystko obrabiać tajwańskim mikserem podłączonym pod 400V. Obecne jednak brzmi to jak piłowanie kaloryfera. Większość wykonawców nie dożyło trzydziestki z powodu rachunku za prąd. Obecnie bogiem dubstepu jest Skrillex, bo kupił żarówki z Osram.
- Leader Of The PCOCPIP
- Dubstep is the given name of a Black Puffle who debuted in the video Dubstep Puffle. He is a Black Puffle and, as his name suggests, likes Dubstep music particularly. He appears in random places in Club Penguin throughout the video. He parodies a lot of internet memes, such as Badgers, Advice Animals and (De) Motivational Posters. Most of the time throughout the video, he is seen slowly bobbing his head up and down.
- El Puffle Dubstep es un Puffle Negro que, como su nombre indica, le gusta la música, en particular el Dubstep. Él aparece en lugares al azar de la historia de Club Penguin en su vídeo y hace parodias de cientos de memes en internet, como tejones, animales y asesoramiento de carteles de motivación. La mayor parte del vídeo se le ve moviendo la cabeza de arriba a bajo. thumb|200px|Dubstep Puffle en cuatro globos rojos en el Muelle Es el ex-puffle de Businesmoose.
- Originating Location: England Originating Era: early 1990s
- Dubstep to imię puffla, który pojawił się po raz pierwszy w filmie Dubstep Puffle (video). Jest czarnym pufflem i, jak podpowiada nam jego imię, lubi dubstep. W klipie pojawia się w kilku miejscach w Club Penguin, a także parodiuje niektóre internetowe memy (badgers, advice animals itp). Przez większość filmu powoli rusza on głową w górę i w dół.
- Dubstep is the name given for a deafening, cacophonous sound produced by slamming the keys of a laptop whilst hooked up to a turntable and speakers. Much like Heavy metal music, Dubstep's aggressively loud and thunderous sounds found an audience with drugged up young people , especially those who loiter about Rave clubs and attend pot fueled outdoor concert festivals like Coachella.
- Dubstep is a type of electronic music starting in underground London, being able to become one of the most well known music genres in the world. Well known artists like Skream, Benga, Digital Mystikz and are very well known Dubstep producers, Skrillex, And many other Brostep artist are often confused as Dubstep. Dubstep has roots in UK Garage, Grime, And Drum and Bass.
- It was discovered by Strong Bad, when he visited the men's bathroom at Denny's. Strong Bad found out how magical dubstep really was when he took a crap and it started to play louder. Every toilet soon asploded. Strong Bad sailed back to his homeland, and spread the culture all around his town. Soon, life insurance was a lot more in demand, as Strong Bad sat upon piles of money covered in smoldering crap.
- The earliest dubstep releases date back to 1998, and were usually featured as B-sides of 2-step garage single releases. These tracks were darker, more experimental remixes with less emphasis on vocals, and attempted to incorporate elements of breakbeat and drum and bass into 2-step. In 2001, this and other strains of dark garage music began to be showcased and promoted at London's night club Plastic People, at the "Forward" night (sometimes stylised as FWD>>), which went on to be considerably influential to the development of dubstep. The term "dubstep" in reference to a genre of music began to be used by around 2002 by labels such as Big Apple, Ammunition, and Tempa, by which time stylistic trends used in creating these remixes started to become more noticeable and distinct from 2-step an
- He called it "Dubstep" after the name of his monkey. Dubstep became popular ever since an old lady created a song full of dubstep sounds including "WUB, WISCHMOPP, and DROP THE BASS!". The video on the left side is the first ever dubstep recorded. The first dubstep was a little hoarse and confusing, but an old lady improved it using her sophisticated thingamajig. No one knows what does "WUB" means and why they included it on dubstep. All I know is that "WUB" term comes from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
- Dubstep began in South London in the early 2000s, and has risen to become the most popular form of Electronic Music in years. It's difficult to describe exactly, but the main characteristics include a moderate tempo (typically around 140 bpm), hard hitting drums, and a heavy emphasis on bass, often (but certainly not always) with a distinctive "wobble" sound. Rhythmically, dubstep is in Common Time by definition, it usually has a snare hit on the third beat of the bar, and both drums and bass tend to make heavy use of triplets. A good rule of thumb: if you find yourself wanting to nod your head, it's probably dubstep. If you want to dance, it's most likely something else.