| - 1818- Karl Marx is born. 1820- Friedrich Engels is born. 1830- Karl Marx attends Trier High School where he studies philosophy and literature. Here he then meets a man named Alexiy van Dern who is a fanatical socialist who teaches Karl about corrupted capitalism, effect on industrialization and private ownership on society. 1836- Factories across the US stop after workers strike for better and healthier working conditions but the President ignores this and sends the federal troops to arrest or shoot the workers. 1845- Marx and Engels move to America (instead of Belgium like OTL) for better opportunity and freedom to spread their work. 1846- Karl Marx enters politics and soon becomes Mayor of Manhattan. 1848- The Communist Manifesto is published. Karl Marx becomes Secretary of Treasury. Francois Isaac de Rivaz internal combustion engine automobiles become mass produced thanks to newly discovered oil. 1849- Friedrich Engels joins the Chartis movement in England and leads it. He turns it into Communist Movement and leads some revolts at London factories, sparking revolution. 1850- Karl Marx influences workers all around the east coast of the United States (mainly Manhattan). The Communist Revolution begins. In London the Chartis movement begins its revolution and spreads throughout the UK but British prime minister Lord John Russell expelled Engels out of England. While the revolution in England failed, Karl Marx gets control of Manhattan and becomes its leading light. Manhattan becomes Manhattan Commune, the first Communist state in history. 1855- US recolonizes Communist Manhattan. 1861- Southern rebels attack Fort Sumter, two days later President Lincoln declares war on the Confederacy. On November 8, USS San Jacinto destroys the British mail packet Trent carrying Confederate diplomats. After seeing the Union aggression, Great Britain and France declare war on the United States. 1865- After a bloody civil war, the Union and the Confederacy sign a peace treaty which the rebel states will return to the USA and Union President Breckenridge allows this. While the North bans the institution of slavery this also begins a period of segregation and apartheid against black people. 1874-81- Growing anti-monarchy terrorist movements and government reactions. 1881- Tsar Alexander II is assassinated by revolutionaries, People Will, and is succeeded by Alexander III. Gustav Trouve invents the first electric car. 1883- Karl Marx dies. First Russian Marxist group is formed and becomes the Bolshevik Party. 1883- Nikola Tesla moves to Russia. 1894- Reign of Nicholas II starts. With oil prices going up Nikola Tesla invents an electric car that can go faster and cheaper then regular petroleum cars. Russian government buys his cars and mass produces them. The electric car industry begins to replace the oil-based car industry throughout Russia and Europe. 1889- President William J. Bryan sends a secret emissary to deliver an ultimatum to Spain: grant Cuba's independence or face US military action in all Spanish territories. Fearing for the security of its last colony in Puerto Rico and its status as an empire, Spain reluctantly accepted the terms, and thus war between Spain and America was avoided. Cuba's and the Philippines' independence is granted by a reluctant Spain.
* The Labour Party is founded in the UK.
* E.M. Foster, a New Imperialist proposed a plan to make the British Empire into a single federal state among the colonies. This will make the basis of the British Imperial Federation.
* Tesla begins construction on the Wardenclyffe Tower in efforts to created a world wireless system hoping to solve the world energy problem.
* Tesla tests his Tesla Tower to the Russian government by powering half of Moscow 50 miles away. Impressed, the Russian government funded his work and begin producing the towers. 1904-05- Russo-Japanese War; Russia loses the war.
* Russian Revolution of 1905 begins. Lenin and his Red Army conquer Russia and executed the last Czar. Leon Trotsky tries to make a two party Communist government with Lenin. Lenin approves believing it for the better good. Menshevik and Bolshevik parties ruled the Soviet Union together.
* With the White Russians retreating to Siberia near Tunguska, Lenin orders the Red Army after them. The Entente powers Great Britain, France and the United States send reinforcements through Siberia and the Black Sea. Fighting continues for another three years.
* White Allies forces make their last stand against Red Army forces at Tunguska. The Red Army, just a hundred miles away marches until they hear an explosion, the Tunguska Event occurs. Half of the red forces are killed or wounded but the Allied forces were completely destroyed.
* Polish-Soviet War begins. Lenin appoint Stalin to command the southern front and capture Polish-held city of Lviv. But during the Battle of Warsaw Trotsky forces were engaged with strong Polish forces led by Commander Wtadyslaw Sikorki and was losing the battle and needed Stalin's forces to help capture Warsaw. Stalin agrees to redirect his troops from Lviv to help (but in OTL he refused). On March 6 Warsaw was captured and later Polish forces in Lviv surrender. All of Poland was under Bolshevik control will be use launching point for Communist guerrillas. Stalin was credit for this victory and received Workers Red Banner Medal. When he returned to Moscow some general criticized him for abandoning the Siege of Lviv but was defended by Trotsky. After that both became best friends.
* The first Wardenclyffe Towers are built on the Spanish coast and New York completing the trans-Atlantic wireless energy powering every house in the East coast and Western Europe. This new energy source is called Telectric.
* Chinese nationalists come to power and overthrow the Qing Dynasty and exile to Manchuria. On October 3, 50 Wardenclyffe Towers are built around the world powering every building and electric cars with antennas.
* Due to the extremely low price of Telectric energy and the massive loss of revenue and jobs in the traditional energy industries soon caused the world economy to suffer and enters the Great Depression.