| - Exorcists (エクソシスト, Ekusoshisuto) are basically the only forces of the Black Order who are capable of destroying akumas. They originally do so by having bonded with a shard of Innocence. The Order managed to add other forces to exorcists by implanting akuma cells to some humans. They fight against the Earl of Millennium, the Noah Family and their army of Akuma.
- In some religions an exorcist (also called a witchman) is a person who is believed to be able to cast out the devil or other demon. A priest, a monk, a healer, a shaman or other specially prepared or instructed person can be an exorcist. An exorcist is a person who performs the ridding of demons or other supernatural beings who are alleged to have possessed a person, or (sometimes) a building or even an object.
- Een exorcist, duivelbezweerder of duiveluitbanner is een geestelijke die het ritueel van exorcisme of duivelbezwering uitvoert.
- A prefix title awarded to clerics who complete their wisdom AA line.
- The Exorcist (祈祷師, Kitōshi, lit. Shaman; Dark Priest in fan translations) is an enemy-only magical class that is first introduced in Fire Emblem Gaiden. Arming either Magic or Staves as its equipment of choice, the Exorcist class is imbued with the ability to summon enemy Monsters as ally units. The class may be considered to be the precursor of the Summoner class that appears in later entries to the series.
- EXORCIST is a remake of the 1973 horror film the exorcist'. it stars Drew Barrymore, Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Bacon and Bailee Madison
- An exorcist is a practitioner of one of the spells of exorcism, be it "Exorcism" to banish hostile spirits, or the "Ritual of Exorcism" to banish Daemons.[1a][2a]
- Exorcists are a class of clerics devoted to combating cases of demonic possession. To this end, they possess a variety of implements which impede enemy use of magic.
- The Exorcists are often hidden when encountered. When they spot the player, they start 'charging up' (visible by their sinister azure glow) and prepare their only attack. When ready, this attack releases a medium-ranged (roughly 35 yards) piercing beam that causes very fast ticks of Lightning damage. Once this beam is created, it may not be stopped or retargeted for 1 second, although while charging it, Exorcists still may aim. It's wise to move away from the monster before they can fully form the attack, but due to the aiming, a simple strafing left or right might not help. In addition, Exorcists may teleport at will.
- Exorcists(陰陽師Onmyōshi) are a group of individuals who, like mages, are able to manipulate seithr and magic. Exorcists are similar to mages, especially so in the ability to manipulate seithr and magic. A key difference between the two, however, is that exorcists require talismans and charms to bring about phenomena. Concerning magic, the two groups are similar in that the ability to utilize magic is passed down from generation to generation.
- Exorcists devote their lives to hunting down and casting out the Undead, Daemons, ghosts, and those who would summon them. They are not the same as witch-hunters; while their goals are similar, their methods are completely different. Witch-hunters abhor sorcery, while exorcists learn the arts of necromancy and daemonology to use against the forces of darkness. They are driven by a burning desire to eradicate all traces of these foul arts.
* Hand Weapon
* Religious token
* Bell, book, and D6 candles
* 5D6 Gold Crowns
* Cleric
* Witch-Hunter
- The Exorcist uses both Blood Magic and Fist Weapons, but purely for healing purposes. He can not only rescue those in danger with powerful healing spells, but can also sacrifice some of his own health to heal his entire team at once. Everyone will breathe easier with an Exorcist at their side, because he can continuously give himself and his allies protective barriers and heal-over-time effects.
- People who have strong enough resonance and purity of heart become exorcists, who defeat daemons, effectively quelling the malevolence they contain. Exorcists also seek Innominat the Suppressor, with whose help, they have the potential to stop the rise of daemons by using the Empyrean's power to suppress humans' emotions, effectively halting the process of their hearts generating malevolence, though this latter part is known only by high-ranking exorcists. Ranks are divided into three categories: orderly, praetor, and legate. Orderlies are the most common type of exorcists, there existing around 3,000 in number.