On articles directly related to Lost, the Lost story arc, or the Lost mythos, the following template would be applied: See a Sample Page. Example:
* Portal:Main Characters On articles related to the production of Lost, official websites or cast members and crew, the following template would be applied: Example:
* Portal:Filming Locations On articles containing fanon, debunked information, theories or information that is parodical in nature, the following template would be applied: Examples include:
* On articles containing information about a Hoax, the following template would be applied:
Attributes | Values |
| - Lostpedia:Category Templates (proposed)
| - On articles directly related to Lost, the Lost story arc, or the Lost mythos, the following template would be applied: See a Sample Page. Example:
* Portal:Main Characters On articles related to the production of Lost, official websites or cast members and crew, the following template would be applied: Example:
* Portal:Filming Locations On articles containing fanon, debunked information, theories or information that is parodical in nature, the following template would be applied: Examples include:
* On articles containing information about a Hoax, the following template would be applied:
| |
| - On articles directly related to Lost, the Lost story arc, or the Lost mythos, the following template would be applied: See a Sample Page. Example:
* Portal:Main Characters On articles related to the production of Lost, official websites or cast members and crew, the following template would be applied: Example:
* Portal:Filming Locations On articles containing fanon, debunked information, theories or information that is parodical in nature, the following template would be applied: Examples include:
* On articles containing information about a Hoax, the following template would be applied: Example:
* Minor imitation websites