| - Much like Hobbes' reality, it is assumable that Bill Watterson wants the reader to make up his or her own perspective of what ridiculous thing could have happened because of Calvin. Throughout the comic, the most that we learn is that it was presumably done by Calvin (though he maintains that he had been framed) and has caused him to worry about possibly not getting any presents from Santa Claus. Whenever a character, usually Hobbes, mentions it to Calvin, he immediately gets very defensive about it (He claims that no one can prove he did it). It appears to have happened at school due to Calvin yelling out loud, "She told you about the noodles, didn't she?!" when his mom came home from a parent conference. When Hobbes commented on the Incident, Calvin claimed that it was rather an accident
- The Noodle Incident is something from the past that is sometimes referred to but never explained, with the implication that it's just too ludicrous for words, and the reality that any explanation would fall short of audience expectations. Questions about it are often met with "You Don't Want To Know…" Persisting is a good way to press a character's Berserk Button. Commonly introduced to the audience through a Wiki Walk. Or by having characters react to some fantastic and improbable event with "Oh no, not again."
| - Much like Hobbes' reality, it is assumable that Bill Watterson wants the reader to make up his or her own perspective of what ridiculous thing could have happened because of Calvin. Throughout the comic, the most that we learn is that it was presumably done by Calvin (though he maintains that he had been framed) and has caused him to worry about possibly not getting any presents from Santa Claus. Whenever a character, usually Hobbes, mentions it to Calvin, he immediately gets very defensive about it (He claims that no one can prove he did it). It appears to have happened at school due to Calvin yelling out loud, "She told you about the noodles, didn't she?!" when his mom came home from a parent conference. When Hobbes commented on the Incident, Calvin claimed that it was rather an accident.
- The Noodle Incident is something from the past that is sometimes referred to but never explained, with the implication that it's just too ludicrous for words, and the reality that any explanation would fall short of audience expectations. Questions about it are often met with "You Don't Want To Know…" Persisting is a good way to press a character's Berserk Button. Commonly introduced to the audience through a Wiki Walk. Or by having characters react to some fantastic and improbable event with "Oh no, not again." Named for an incident referenced by the characters of Calvin and Hobbes, where the author admitted he decided against ever stating what happened, as he figured nothing he could come up with would be as outrageous as what the readers thought happened. The inversion of this would be Let Us Never Speak of This Again, where the event in question is shown onscreen and the characters make a pact to never mention it. Compare Second Hand Storytelling, Take Our Word for It, Cryptic Background Reference, Noodle Implements, That Mysterious Thing, What Did I Do Last Night?. Reminiscing about a Noodle Incident by the people involved can result in Lost in Transmission for an outsider. Compare and contrast Offscreen Moment of Awesome, where the off-screen incident would have been better on-screen. See also Cow Tools. Enough such incidents create a character who has Seen It All. If a Noodle Incident is essential to solving a mystery, it's a Riddle for the Ages. If it results in the person/people involved being banished from wherever it happened, they've become Persona Non Grata. See also Great Offscreen War. Contrast Oblivious Mockery, where characters talk about an event they don't know happened but the viewer does (most of the time). Should not be confused with Woody's Finest Hour, which is where a new installment was intended to be made after leaving things to leave room for it, but it gets cancelled. Please do not confuse with the GNR album "The Spaghetti Incident?" (which is, however, a noodle incident itself). Or The Google Incident. (Or the sequel.) Examples of Noodle Incident include:
* Advertising
* Anime and Manga
* Comic Books
* Fan Works
* Film
* Jokes
* Literature
* Live Action TV
* Music
* Newspaper Comics
* Puppet Shows
* Radio
* Stand Up Comedy
* Tabletop Games
* Theater
* Video Games
* Web Animation
* Webcomics
* Web Original
* Western Animation
* Real Life