| - Howard Carter var en manlig Tau'ri och han var en arkeolog. Han upptäckte nya gravar i Konungarnas dal. Enligt Doktor Daniel Jackson när Professor Stanislaw Wodeski att upptäckten av ett skriftspråk på Teotihuacán enbart skulle höja honom till leden av Howard Carter. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: City of the Gods") kategori:Arkeologer kategori:Engelsk kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär
- Howard Carter was an archaeologist who became famous around the world for his discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
- Howard Carter was an Ekaterina branch member who lived from 1874 to 1939. He was most famous for his discovery of King Tut's tomb in 1922. He shared with his ancestor Katherine Cahill a fascination of Egypt. Carter believed that she had hidden a clue there. He was so desperate to find the clue he risked the Curse of the Pharaohs but nothing stopped him. Interestingly enough, when he opened Tut's tomb, many people on Carter's team died afterward.
- Howard Carter (ur. 9 maja 1874 w Londynie, zm. 2 marca 1939 tamże) - angielski archeolog, w latach 1900 - 1904 generalny inspektor zabytków Górnego Egiptu, 1904-1905 Dolnego i Środkowego Egiptu, zasłynął odkryciem grobowca Tutanchamona.
- thumb|Arkeologi, Howard Carter. Howard Carter syntyi Kensingtonissa, Lontoossa 9. toukokuuta 1874. Hänen isänsä, Samuel John Carter, oli taiteilija, joka on erikoistunut eläinten maalaamiseen. Vuonna 1992 Howard Carter avasi Tutankhamonin haudan. Kerran tutkimusmatkallaan hän löysi salaiset portaat Kuninkaiden laaksosta. Portaiden päästä hän löysi "oven", missä oli Tutankhamonin sinetti. Vapisevin käsin hän repi "oven" yläkulmaa. Kynttilän liekki lepatti ja hän ei voinut nähdä vähään aikaan sisälle, mutta kun hän oli tottunut valoon hän näki: ihmeellisiä eläin- ja kuvapatsaita, sekä kultaa, kaikkialla kimaltelevaa kultaa.
- He discovered Tutankhamun's tomb. (PROSE: The King of Golden Death) The Eleventh Doctor named him as a great archaeologist. (PROSE: The Glamour Chase)
- Howard Carter is an NPC that appraises different cultural treasures. He will buy genuine cultural treasures off you (Value dependant on the object).
- Howard Carter was a Petty Officer assigned to Pax River and also one of the suspects in the murder of fellow Petty Officer Chris Gordon.
- Howard Carter (May 9, 1874 – March 2, 1939) was an English archaeologist and Egyptologist, noted as a primary discoverer of the tomb of Tutankhamun. In 1891, at the age of 17, Carter began studying inscriptions and paintings in Egypt. He worked on the excavation of Beni Hasan, the grave site of the princes of Middle Egypt, c. 2000 BC. Later he came under the tutelage of William Flinders Petrie.He is also famous for finding the remains of Queen Hatshepsut's tomb in Deir el-Bahri. In 1899, Carter was offered a job working for the Egyptian Antiquities Service (EAS), from which he resigned as a result of a dispute between Egyptian site guards and a group of French tourists in 1905.
- Howard CARTER [HAŬard KARte] (naskiĝis je la 9-a de majo 1873, mortis je la 2-a de marto 1939) estis brita egiptologo kaj arkeologo, kiu fosis en Eldorado, Vieno kaj Reĝa Valo, kie li en 1922 malkovris la tombon de faraono Timur. Liajn laborojn ebligis mecenato, lordo Carnarvon. La malkovro estis la plej signifa arkeologia evento de la 20-a jarcento kaj de egiptologio kaj vekis grandan intereson pri la egipta civilizacio en la tuta mondo. Pri la evento estis verkitaj multaj libroj, same ankaŭ biografioj de H. Carter.