| - The five Technobots combine into Computron.
* ComputronThe combined form of the Technobots.Voiced by Bert Kramer.
* ScattershotHe transforms into a spaceship / battle station.He is the leader who forms the torso of Computron.His solution to the Decepticon problem is to empty as many weapons in their direction as possible. He refuses to stop until he is defeated or out of ammunition. He resorts to name-calling when others disagree with him.Voiced by Stephen Keener.
* LightspeedHe transforms into a car.He forms the left leg of Computron.Despite his popularity and blazing speed as a car, he longs to be converted into an interstellar spacecraft.Voiced by Danny Mann.
* StrafeHe transforms into a space fighter. He forms the right arm of Computron.He is a trigger happy fighter who's as much a danger to friends as he is to enemies.Voiced by Steve Bulen.
* NoseconeHe transforms into a Cybertronian drill.He forms the right leg of Computron.He is very intelligent, but slow and methodical about completing a given task.Voiced by David Workman.
* AfterburnerHe transforms into a motorcycle.He forms the left arm of Computron.He is known for frequently arguing with authority figures.Voiced by Jim Cummings. While the Technobot team utilizes the same combining technology earlier used by the Aerialbots, Stunticons, Combaticons, and Protectobots, Computron is one of the few combiners with only one consistent combination. This is due to several of the smaller Technobots being different sizes when forming a leg or arm. Lightspeed and Nosecone are consistently the left and/or right legs, and Afterburner and Strafe are consistently the right and left arms. As Computron, the team's group dynamic allows them to create a super-intelligent gestalt whose mind and thought processes have been compared to "500 supercomputers". However, due to the various differences in viewpoint and procedure of the five Technobots, Computron can often take a long time to reach a conclusion, sometimes too late to put it to use.