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| - History of character is unknown.
- Dr. Rajni Patel Niranjan, Trans-India Law Associates
- (A-1: The Way Back By Murray Smith The description and possible title of a Federation lawyer. In The Way Back, the arbiter of the court that tried and sentenced Blake called Tel Varon 'your (Blake's) advocate'.
- Advocates are the most powerful type of Magi in the original Diablo. They are found on Level 16 of Hell, where the Lord of Terror awaits. A Super Unique Advocate, the Archbishop Lazarus, can be found in the Unholy Altar. They shoot Fireballs, cast Flash, and can be found in Lazarus' Lair in Single Player and in Lazarus' room in They are Black.
- A rank of civil official in the Middle Sea Empire and the Holy Country
* They are field workers and report to a Deputy
* They collect taxes, oversee justice, monitor harvests etc.
* Used in the Middle Sea Empire
* Revived by the Pharaoh for adminstration of the Holy Country Source: Middle Sea Empire (Book)
- Advocate Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA Owned by Capital City Press Largest reported circulation: 120,730
- They are found on Level 16 of Hell, where the Lord of Terror awaits. A Super Unique Advocate, the Archbishop Lazarus, can be found in the Unholy Altar. They shoot Fireballs, cast Flash, and can be found in Lazarus' Lair in Single Player and in Lazarus' room in They are Black.
- A term for a variety of lawyer in the Dragaeran Empire. This can be someone whose purpose is to speak for the accused in a criminal trial, or a representative who negotiates on someone else's behalf concerning civil matters. Vlad's office reminds Morrolan of an advocate's office (Dragon, Ch. 7). As with a Justicer, this is likely a common profession for an Iorich.
- Advocate was a government position in the Golden Empire, created in 151 ABY alongside the post of Procurator as part of the 65 Reforms. When Queen Rin Sakaros announced her plan to subdivide the Empire into sectors, with each ruled by a Procurator on her behalf, many citizens feared that the move would neutralize the power of Tribunes. Previously, Tribunes had served as a check on Consular authority, able to appeal a Consul's action to the Sovereign. The new sector government was designed to act as an administrative buffer between individual worlds and the Sovereign; by 150 ABY, the Empire had over 1,300 worlds, and there were simply too many for Rin to attend to all their needs personally.
- Advocate was a title in Klingon society granted to a lawyer who was tasked with defending the accused at trial. In 2152, Kolos served as Jonathan Archer's advocate when Archer was put on trial at Narendra III. (ENT episode: "Judgment") Archer would continue to call Kolos advocate years after the incident. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: To Brave the Storm) In 2293, Worf served as James Kirk's and Leonard McCoy's advocate when they were put on trial for the assassination of Gorkon. (TOS movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
- The Advocate is one of the Archetypes that manifest in a Bound after his return. Advocates are focused on aiding ghosts to resolve their anchors and moving on. To an Advocate, the demands of the dead are as important- if not more important- than those of the living. Many help resolve the unfinished business of ghosts because they want to. After all, if he does right by the dead then a Sin-Eater can earn the respect of other shades, and makes his life easier in lots of little ways. Some ghosts, however, can be terribly self-centered in their approach, trying to force the Advocate into cooperation by hurting him or his loved ones.
- Advocate (from Latin advocātus) is one that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender. To support or defend by argument; to recommend publicly. An individual who presents or argues another's case; one who gives legal advice and pleads the cause of another before a court or tribunal; a counselor. A person admitted to the practice of law who advises clients of their legal rights and argues their cases in court. "Advocate" is also a synonym for the Holy Spirit in the Christian Trinity.
- An advocate was the equivalent to a lawyer in Klingon law, and represented the accused in a trial before a Judge. Advocates were expected to fight for their client tenaciously, though the degree to which this expectation was filled varied greatly over the course of Klingon history. Some noted Klingon advocates included Kolos in the 22nd century, Colonel Worf in the 23rd century, and Ch'Pok in the 24th century. (ENT: "Judgment"; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: "Rules of Engagement")
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*Only three per value can exist at once
*Cannot enter Supernova, Black Hole, Gravity Field, Damage Zone, Radiation Cloud
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| - History of character is unknown.
- Dr. Rajni Patel Niranjan, Trans-India Law Associates
- Advocate was a government position in the Golden Empire, created in 151 ABY alongside the post of Procurator as part of the 65 Reforms. When Queen Rin Sakaros announced her plan to subdivide the Empire into sectors, with each ruled by a Procurator on her behalf, many citizens feared that the move would neutralize the power of Tribunes. Previously, Tribunes had served as a check on Consular authority, able to appeal a Consul's action to the Sovereign. The new sector government was designed to act as an administrative buffer between individual worlds and the Sovereign; by 150 ABY, the Empire had over 1,300 worlds, and there were simply too many for Rin to attend to all their needs personally. However, having learned the lesson of Vessyk and Ekshi which prompted the creation of Tribunes in the first place, Rin also proposed the creation of an elected Advocate as a sector-level Tribune. Advocates were always involved in disputes between Consuls and Tribunes which were escalated to the Procurator. While the Procurator had the authority to adjudicate actions of the Consuls which had been protested by their Tribunes, if the Advocate felt the Procurator had acted unjustly, he could further appeal the matter to the Sovereign. Advocates could also appeal actions which initiated with the Procurator, such as trade regulations for the entire sector. In both cases, the action was suspended until the Sovereign or her delegate gave a final ruling. Most Advocates solicited information from Tribunes apart from that sent to the Procurator, to ensure they could represent the common people fairly to the Procurators with whom they worked. Advocates were elected by all the people of their sectors. After long consideration, Rin decided not to require Advocates to have previously served as Tribunes, although former Tribunes were eligible to run in Advocate elections. Like Tribunes, Advocates had term limits, but of three years rather than two. Tribunes could serve up to three two-year terms in a row; Advocates could serve up to two three-year terms consecutively. Advocates, like Tribunes, Consuls, and Procurators, attended the annual Consular Assembly. They were paid from the Royal Treasury. At Rin's strong encouragement, every sector passed legislation making assaulting an Advocate punishable by a mandatory death sentence.
- (A-1: The Way Back By Murray Smith The description and possible title of a Federation lawyer. In The Way Back, the arbiter of the court that tried and sentenced Blake called Tel Varon 'your (Blake's) advocate'.
- Advocate was a title in Klingon society granted to a lawyer who was tasked with defending the accused at trial. In 2152, Kolos served as Jonathan Archer's advocate when Archer was put on trial at Narendra III. (ENT episode: "Judgment") Archer would continue to call Kolos advocate years after the incident. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: To Brave the Storm) In 2293, Worf served as James Kirk's and Leonard McCoy's advocate when they were put on trial for the assassination of Gorkon. (TOS movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) In 2369, Benjamin Sisko offered to provide an advocate for Croden for his trial for murdering Ah-Kel. (DS9 episode: "Vortex")
- The Advocate is one of the Archetypes that manifest in a Bound after his return. Advocates are focused on aiding ghosts to resolve their anchors and moving on. To an Advocate, the demands of the dead are as important- if not more important- than those of the living. Many help resolve the unfinished business of ghosts because they want to. After all, if he does right by the dead then a Sin-Eater can earn the respect of other shades, and makes his life easier in lots of little ways. Some ghosts, however, can be terribly self-centered in their approach, trying to force the Advocate into cooperation by hurting him or his loved ones. Some Advocates grow so close to the dead that they lose sight of the mortal part of existence. People become defined as amalgams of emotional connections and relationships, objects become worthless hunks of matter that only gain significance when they are involved in death.
- Advocates are the most powerful type of Magi in the original Diablo. They are found on Level 16 of Hell, where the Lord of Terror awaits. A Super Unique Advocate, the Archbishop Lazarus, can be found in the Unholy Altar. They shoot Fireballs, cast Flash, and can be found in Lazarus' Lair in Single Player and in Lazarus' room in They are Black.
- Advocate (from Latin advocātus) is one that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender. To support or defend by argument; to recommend publicly. An individual who presents or argues another's case; one who gives legal advice and pleads the cause of another before a court or tribunal; a counselor. A person admitted to the practice of law who advises clients of their legal rights and argues their cases in court. Each branch of the US armed forces has a judge advocate general, an officer who is in charge of all judge advocates and who is responsible for all legal matters affecting that branch of the service. "Advocate" is also a synonym for the Holy Spirit in the Christian Trinity.
- A rank of civil official in the Middle Sea Empire and the Holy Country
* They are field workers and report to a Deputy
* They collect taxes, oversee justice, monitor harvests etc.
* Used in the Middle Sea Empire
* Revived by the Pharaoh for adminstration of the Holy Country Source: Middle Sea Empire (Book)
- Advocate Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA Owned by Capital City Press Largest reported circulation: 120,730
- They are found on Level 16 of Hell, where the Lord of Terror awaits. A Super Unique Advocate, the Archbishop Lazarus, can be found in the Unholy Altar. They shoot Fireballs, cast Flash, and can be found in Lazarus' Lair in Single Player and in Lazarus' room in They are Black.
- An advocate was the equivalent to a lawyer in Klingon law, and represented the accused in a trial before a Judge. Advocates were expected to fight for their client tenaciously, though the degree to which this expectation was filled varied greatly over the course of Klingon history. Some noted Klingon advocates included Kolos in the 22nd century, Colonel Worf in the 23rd century, and Ch'Pok in the 24th century. (ENT: "Judgment"; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: "Rules of Engagement") In 2369, Commander Benjamin Sisko offered to get Croden an advocate to defend him in his trial for the murder of Ah-Kel. (DS9: "Vortex") After Kira Nerys and Odo discovered Trazko was working for her, Vaatrik Pallra asked to speak with her advocate in 2370. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")
- A term for a variety of lawyer in the Dragaeran Empire. This can be someone whose purpose is to speak for the accused in a criminal trial, or a representative who negotiates on someone else's behalf concerning civil matters. Vlad's office reminds Morrolan of an advocate's office (Dragon, Ch. 7). As with a Justicer, this is likely a common profession for an Iorich.
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