| - Juan Carlos Domingo Pascual de Nobia was the head of the prestigious Carlotte family of the Intendancy of Texas during the outbreak of the Brazos Revolution in 1835. The Carlotte family, at that time the most powerful family in the region, was necessary to the survival of the revolution, and hence, Juan Carlos became heavily involved in the movement. When the revolutionaries met at Washington-on-the-Brazos to discuss the future of their fledgling movement, Stephen Austin, a close friend of Juan Carlos, vouched for the creation of a hereditary state to offset the tumultuous effects of republicanism and the mobocracy. Austin posited that if their movement was centered around a single apolitical, individual who was vested with the power of absolute reserve authority, then the "house would be
| - Juan Carlos Domingo Pascual de Nobia was the head of the prestigious Carlotte family of the Intendancy of Texas during the outbreak of the Brazos Revolution in 1835. The Carlotte family, at that time the most powerful family in the region, was necessary to the survival of the revolution, and hence, Juan Carlos became heavily involved in the movement. When the revolutionaries met at Washington-on-the-Brazos to discuss the future of their fledgling movement, Stephen Austin, a close friend of Juan Carlos, vouched for the creation of a hereditary state to offset the tumultuous effects of republicanism and the mobocracy. Austin posited that if their movement was centered around a single apolitical, individual who was vested with the power of absolute reserve authority, then the "house would be as stable as the foundation". Austin's argument was supported by Garrett Hawke, an influential military figure in the early revolutionary army, and hence, with the creation of the Brazos Compact, Juan Carlos was donned, by election, as John Charles I, King-on-the-Brazos. Thereafter, the House of Carlotte was established through the prerogative of the compact. The exact title claimed by the original inception of the House of Carlotte was that of "King-on-the-Brazos," which lasted until the Royal Decree of Parliament of 1848. There after, whence democracy was granted past the State Privy Council, the titled was formally changed through an act of parliament, specifically Crown Act, 1848, to "King of Brazoria", which then included all the lands held in sovereign trust of the crown on behalf of the nation, rather than existing simply as a title of gratitude from the ruling directorate of the nation. After a petition to Queen Isabel II of Spain, the lineage of the House of Carlotte was legitimised in 1849, due to the Queen's desire to build lasting alliances with those who saw her title as valid, in contrary to the opinions of the Carlists. Officially sanctified in 1850 by Pope Pius IX soon after ligitmisation, the House of Carlotte was often subject to a great deal of criticism from elements within its realm for its open support of the Catholic Church. Hence, in 1877, the House of Carlotte broke away from the Catholic faith, establishing, in its place, the Church of Christ the King, a Christian church which incorporated a great deal of already existing Catholic churches across the realm. The head of the House of Carlotte, at that time King Pascal I, was thus made the Governor of the Church of Christ the King, the nominal, temporal leader of the Church. Thereafter, the House of Carlotte was granted the title of "Defender of the Faith". The current head of the House of Carlotte is King John Charles II, who ascended the throne on 20 December 1993, the same year as the death of his father, King Phillip II.