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- Gonk, est un loa Zandalar, le Loa Raptor. Les Zandalar pensent que c'est de ce loa qu'ils tirent leur rapidité et leur force. Malgré cela, il est très peu apprécier à cause de sa férocité et sauvagerie parmis les Zandalar.
- Gonk, the Great Hunter, is a raptor loa in ancient Zandalarian tales, he's mentioned by Zen'tabra as the loa that taught them how to reconnect to the spirits in a different way, thus allowing them to serve all the nature spirits at the same time instead of one at a time as they did as loa priests (witch doctors). Through this method they became druids.
- right|thumb|200px|Gonk przebrany za fana Star Wars Gonk - czyli Samobieżny Generator Prądu to główny bohater Gwiezdnych Wojen. Myśliciel i wizjoner, który przewidział przebieg wszelkich zdarzeń i jak Kwisatz Haderach pokierował losem postaci tak, by ocalić galaktykę. Zamieszkał w kulturalnej stolicy kosmosu - Tatooine - by osobiście czuwać nad prawidłowym przebiegiem wszelkich spraw. Dla propagowania swej działalności założył twór o nazwie Darthipedia [1].
- After spearheading the defeat and apprehension of Sewergeeky, Gonk encountered Lord Oblivion, a magic-using villain fixated on muffins. This set in motion a disastrous chain of events in an alternate timeline, in which Gonk was arrested, languished in a prison cell for eight years, and finally faced execution. However, this fate was averted by Robo-Pope, one of Gonk's circle of trusted followers.
- Gonk (egentligen GNK power droid), är en droid som förekommer i episoderna IV–VI av Star Wars-filmerna. Droiden ser ut som en soptunna stående på två ben och har fått sitt namn efter det läte den ger ifrån sig ("gonk-gonk"). Den finns med bland de droider som jawafolket fraktar runt och säljer i början av episod IV, och dyker därefter upp på flera ställen i filmerna.
- Gonk is a hungry caveman who lives for waffles. He lives on an island with a dinosaur, an amnesiac racer for a small amount of time, and a more modern-knowledged girl. He also is a recruit for the SPA.
- Gonk, der große Jäger, ist ein uralter Raptorgeist aus dem Dschungel, von dem schon die alten Zalazari-Sagen erzählten. Von den Dschungeltrollen verehrt, verlor sich das Andenken an ihn, als die Dunkelspeere auf den Echoinseln vor der Küste Durotars durch Hexendoktor Zalazane von ihren Loa entfremdet wurden.
- Gonk is a hungry caveman who lives for waffles. He lives on an island with a Bobaboo the dinosaur, an amnesiac racer for a small amount of time and a more modern and knowledgeable girl named Sylvia. He also is a recruit for the SPA in MySims Agents.
- It had shaky eyes and wild hair(mine was purple)It sat in your dressing table circa1972.
- Gonk is an oddly-shaped, almost entirely hollow, icy skyland about 680 kilometers northeast of Eltsina. Supposedly named for a hero of the Principality Wars, the skyland's bizarre name has become famous as a popular Skyrate epithet, as in "we're as good as gonked!" or "I'm gonna shoot this gonkhole outta the sky."