| - rocks
- Racism out of character is a huge problem in TSRP, it is allowed for a player to incorporate racism as a part of their character. But unfortunally this privledge and option is often abused out of character. See ban and banned playermodels for more information
- A racist person is someone who calls someone else a bad word such as @$%&)@$(*&%$)(* or maybe &$@(*#&@$(&%^@$, so yeah.
- Racism was a theme often seen on Little House.
- Racism in Caprica manifests itself primarily through the way Taurons are perceived by the general Caprica public. Although the discrimination does not seem to be institutionalized (e.g., Taurons are not segregated, etc.), many Capricans are quite open about their racist beliefs.
- The Gang has racist tendencies, although they usually try to rationalize their racist thoughts.
- Racism is prejudice by someone of one ethnic group against fellow human beings of another ethnicity. Ethnicity is determined by an alleged complex mix of culture and genetics. From the 16th Century, when nationalism was born, onwards it was imagined that non-whites, and/or non-Anglo-Saxons, and/or non-Protestants were inferior, see WASP. This idea was used in the USA in sick attempt to justify Genocide and also Slavery, which was thwarted by great Liberal Abraham Lincoln.
- Remember, it is only possible for Republicans to be racist against blacks. There is no such thing as racism against Arabs, Asians, or Mexicans.
- A tough topic to tackle, but like a charging blimey cow, we take it head on.
- Racism was invented by white people in the 1800s to justify the slave trade. Actually, there's more truth in that than this venue deserves; look into dehumanization sometime, it's really interesting stuff. Racism demonstrably did not exist in England or France before this time, and it ceased to exist sometime in the mid-60s. Racism did not exist in America during the 1890s, and there's no televised evidence to assume it existed before this.
- Since the publishing of the first edition of the Lord of the Rings there have been accusations of an either obvious or at last latent racism in J.R.R. Tolkien's Works.While Tolkien himself strongly rejected Racialism, Aparthheid, Antisemitism, or White Supremacy a subliminal Eurocentrism, Nationalism, and extenuation of autocracy are at least debatable. While Tolkien defended his person against accusations of racism, however racism and racial and cultural bias are real and obvious elements of many of the fictional cultures he had created for Middle-Earth.
- Racism is a popular way that mommies and daddies make decisions about people when no other information is available. It is also the most consistently proven method of criminal investigation in detective work. Most people can be divided into two categories, good, and foreign. The basic principle is determining which category they belong in, and then taking their land and pillaging their women. The winner is the last race standing. All racism was ended in the 19th Century when Batman and Robin successfully ended slavery by punching it.
- Fuck yESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Racism is the irrational hatred of persons based on their assigned racial identity that may take the form of a political ideology premised on the un-scientific belief that races exist as biologically distinct populations and are naturally unequal in physical strength, health, intelligence and/or moral character. Ta-Nehisi Coates defines racism as the "need to describe bone-deep features to people and then humiliate, reduce, and destroy them." (Source: Coates, Ta-Nehisi. Between the World and Me. New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2015. page 7).
- Historically, whites have referred to those of other races by different colors. The dark brown people are black, the deeply tanned are red, the not quite as pale but certainly still rather pale are yellow, Jews are blue, Arabs are purple, Mexicans are pink, and so on and so forth. Those named after primary colors are considered better than those named for mixed colors. White is best, because it is pure. White people are colored. The color white is combination of all colors, both primary and secondary. Like monkeys. Monkeys are all the colors too. Like gold. Whites have gold hair. Serengeti monkeys have gold hair too. Pure gold. That is soooo weird! Black sucks. It is the absence of all colors. So black people are not colored at all, but whites are all colors. Weird!
- Racism is generally defined as actions, practices, or beliefs that reflect the racial worldview: the ideology that humans are divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called "races". This ideology entails the belief that members of a race share a set of characteristic traits, abilities, or qualities, that traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural behavioral characteristics are inherited, and that this inheritance means that races can be ranked as innately superior or inferior to others.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Racism/preload editintro=Racism/editintro width=25 wikia purposes: Discuss & refine parameters of handicappism & other racism, assuming that handicappism, disability-access oriented discrimination, is a form of racism. Represent examples of handicappism & racism, to the extent that this software, & participants' machines, would permit. These representations may include whatever is collected on the internet, including wikiprojects, such as wikipedia. The issues may include software, hardware, & content.
- Earth regions that experienced racism included the United States of America in the 19th and 20th centuries and Germany under the Nazi regime. (ENT: "Storm Front"; TOS: "Patterns of Force" ; VOY: "The Killing Game") The Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist group, was notorious for its racist views. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")
- Racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Or, on the opposite side, racism can be described as the belief that a certain race or races portray undesirable characteristics. In the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups may be denied rights or benefits, or receive preferential treatment.