| - Amanda Grayson, is currently the 4th leader of the Rutania Alliance. She was born and lives in Vanderburg with her spouse and 2 children. Amanda was also one of the main pioneers to the Rutania Alliance vision. She immediately took control of the Kragusrov Branch. She became premier in 3677 lost it in 3681 and stayed in the Parliament of Kragusrov until April 3685 because she wanted to run federal in the 3685 election.
- thumb|Amanda Grayson (2268) Amanda Grayson ist die erste Frau des vulkanischen Botschafters Sarek. Mit ihm zusammen hat sie einen Sohn, Spock.
- [[Imagen:Amanda Grayson (alternate reality).jpg|right|thumb|Amanda Grayson en 2250 interpretada por Winona Ryder]] Amanda Grayson , era una profesora terrícola, nacida en la Tierra , entorno al siglo 23. Alrededor del año 2230,Amanda conoció al Embajador Vulcano en la Tierra, Sarek, con el que finalmente terminó casándose. En el año 2232, Amanda dió a luz al que sería su único hijo, Spock.
- Amanda Grayson era un'insegnante umana originaria della Terra nata verso il XXIII secolo. (TOS: "Al di qua del Paradiso") All'inizio degli anni '30 del XXIII secolo, Amanda incontrò Sarek, l'ambasciatore vulcaniano sulla Terra. In seguito, i due si sposarono, ed ella tornò su Vulcano con Sarek. (TOS: "Il duello") Anni dopo, nel descrivere il rapporto intercorrente fra i genitori, Spock dichiarò che sua madre "si considerava una donna molto fortunata." (TOS: "L'espediente della carbonite")
- Amanda Grayson was a teacher and the second wife of Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan. She was the mother of Spock. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver", "This Side of Paradise", "Journey to Babel", TAS: "Yesteryear", Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) In some continuities, she was a linguist and teacher. In some, notably Jean Lorrah's series of stories and novels that includes Night of the Twin Moons, Grayson was one of the scientists who worked on the development of universal translator technology.
- A l'origine, Amanda était enseignante lorsqu'elle rencontra l'ambassadeur Sarek sur Terre. Les 2 se marièrent par la suite et s'installèrent sur Vulcain. (TOS: "Amok Time") Selon "Star Trek Encyclopedia", une ancienne référence du script de TOS: "Journey to Babel" suggérait que ce mariage eut lieu en 2230. En 2230 à Shi'Kahr, elle donna naissance à Spock. ("Star Trek V: The Final Frontier") Elle s'occupa également du premier fils de Sarek, Sybok, après la mort de sa mère, une princesse vulcaine. ("Star Trek V: The Final Frontier")