A comedy manga by Morinaga Ai, of My Heavenly Hockey Club fame. It stars a violent tomboy by the name of Momoi Nanako, and a shy boy by the name of Uehara Akira who has a crush on her. So far, normal enough. When Akira drops by her house to deliver some handouts from school, he gets mixed up in an experiment that Nanako's Mad Scientist grandfather was performing on her. When the smoke clears, they discover that Nanako and Akira have swapped bodies. Of course, they also discover that the machine that did it is trashed, and it's going to be neither cheap nor quick to get it fixed... not that Nanako's grandfather seems to be in any hurry to work on it.
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| - A comedy manga by Morinaga Ai, of My Heavenly Hockey Club fame. It stars a violent tomboy by the name of Momoi Nanako, and a shy boy by the name of Uehara Akira who has a crush on her. So far, normal enough. When Akira drops by her house to deliver some handouts from school, he gets mixed up in an experiment that Nanako's Mad Scientist grandfather was performing on her. When the smoke clears, they discover that Nanako and Akira have swapped bodies. Of course, they also discover that the machine that did it is trashed, and it's going to be neither cheap nor quick to get it fixed... not that Nanako's grandfather seems to be in any hurry to work on it.
- Your and My Secret(僕と彼女の×××Boku to Kanojo no XXX), also known as My Barbaric Girlfriend, is a manga by Ai Morinaga. Your and My Secret is a gender-bender manga. Male lead Akira Uehara is overlooked because he doesn't open his mouth. Female lead Nanako Momoi is looked over until she opens her mouth. One unfortunate day in grandpa's underground laboratory their minds and bodies get switched, and they find their new selves surprisingly comfortable. In Japan it was published by Mag Garden. In the United States it is published by Tokyopop.
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| - Tokyopop
- Bongkoch Comics
- Star Comics]]
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| - Your and My Secret(僕と彼女の×××Boku to Kanojo no XXX), also known as My Barbaric Girlfriend, is a manga by Ai Morinaga. Your and My Secret is a gender-bender manga. Male lead Akira Uehara is overlooked because he doesn't open his mouth. Female lead Nanako Momoi is looked over until she opens her mouth. One unfortunate day in grandpa's underground laboratory their minds and bodies get switched, and they find their new selves surprisingly comfortable. In Japan it was published by Mag Garden. In the United States it is published by Tokyopop. Mag Garden currently has 6 volumes available. Only the first volume was released by ADV Manga, but Tokyopop has since acquired the rights to the manga and plans on releasing the rest of the volumes. As of June 2010, the first five volumes are available in English, with volume 6 due August 3, 2010. It was made into a live-action adaptation which stars the Japanese actress Mai Takahashi.
- A comedy manga by Morinaga Ai, of My Heavenly Hockey Club fame. It stars a violent tomboy by the name of Momoi Nanako, and a shy boy by the name of Uehara Akira who has a crush on her. So far, normal enough. When Akira drops by her house to deliver some handouts from school, he gets mixed up in an experiment that Nanako's Mad Scientist grandfather was performing on her. When the smoke clears, they discover that Nanako and Akira have swapped bodies. Of course, they also discover that the machine that did it is trashed, and it's going to be neither cheap nor quick to get it fixed... not that Nanako's grandfather seems to be in any hurry to work on it. For a variety of reasons Akira isn't very happy with the situation, but Nanako decides to have a bit of fun with it while they wait for the bodyswap machine to be fixed. They keep it a secret from everyone they know, but such major changes in their personalities certainly don't go unnoticed... fortunately, everyone involved (aside from Akira) sees it as change for the better and don't ask questions. It has been adapted into a live-action movie.