| - The Walther PP series pistols are blowback-operated semi-automatic pistols. They feature an exposed hammer, a double-action trigger mechanism, a single-column magazine, and a fixed barrel which also acts as the guide rod for the recoil spring. The series includes the Walther PP, PPK, PPK/S, and PPK/E. They are manufactured by Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen in Germany, Manurhin in France following World War II, and then in the United States by Interarms in Alexandria, Virginia and currently Smith & Wesson. All production has been under license from Walther.
- The Walther PPK pistol is a blowback-operated semi-automatic pistol made famous by the James Bond movies. Today, PPK pistols are manufactured by Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen in Germany or under license from Walther in France and the United States. These pistols feature an exposed hammer, a double-action trigger mechanism, a single-column magazine, and a fixed barrel which also acts as the guide rod for the gun's single recoil spring.
- Cuando se presentó material promocional para Casino Royale se mostró la PPK; aunque solo fue usada para la escena de lucha inicial. Para el resto de película, Bond sigue usando la P99. En Quantum of Solace, sin emargo, la PPK volvió como arma principal. Esta tradición sigue en Skyfall, donde el espía tiene una PPK/S modificada.
- The Walther PPK is a handgun.
- De Walther PPK - PPK/S verwierf grote faam als het pistool van James Bond. Auteur Ian Fleming liet de Britse geheim agent zijn Beretta 418 (die in het verhaal slecht zou functioneren) inruilen voor een PPK/S. Sindsdien is dit vuurwapen een icoon van het spionnengenre geworden. In de film Tomorrow Never Dies zien we Bond voor het eerst met zijn huidige vuurwapen: de Walther P99.
- A PPK with a silencer attached to the barrel was a sidearm used by Karl in Die Hard, and a customized nickel-plated PPK/S variant is the main sidearm of Katya in Die Hard with a Vengeance.
- Walther PPK is a firearm that is used by FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder and other characters in The X-Files. This weapon acts as Mulder's secondary weapon for some episodes Mulder either loses his primary firearm or he gets disarmed. Mulder keeps this weapon on an ankle holster and only uses it when necessary. This weapon was occasionally used by Mulder throughout the series.
- Arme: Utilisateur(s): Victime(s): Première apparition: Dernière apparition: Le Walther PPK est une arme qui a été utilisée par James Bond dans la plupart de ses films. Catégorie:Armes
- It features an exposed hammer, a traditional double-action trigger mechanism,[3] a single-column magazine, and a fixed barrel that also acts as the guide rod for the recoil spring. The series includes the Walther PP, PPK, PPK/S, and PPK/E. A smaller, Walther PPK pistol appears as Jack Travis main sidearm for much of Lethal Weapon 3.
- Senator Roark (Powers Boothe) uses a stainless Walther PPK.
- Although the promotional material for Casino Royale featured the PPK, it was only used during the pre-title fight sequence with Dryden's contact, Fisher. For the rest of the film, Bond would continue to rely on the P99. For 2008's Quantum of Solace, however, the Walther PPK made a welcome return as 007's main sidearm throughout the film. This trend continued in Skyfall (2012), where the spy was provided with a modified PPK/S.
- The Walther PPK was a handgun created by Walther. Being invented in 1932, it was largely used during World War II by German soldiers and officers. It features an exposed hammer, a double-action trigger mechanism, a single-column magazine, and a fixed barrel which also acts as the guide rod for the recoil spring. The series includes the Walther PP, PPK, PPK/S, and PPK/E.