| - José Antonio Vargas (born 19 May, 1937) was a pure-blood Brazilian wizard, Auror and Supreme Judiciary Judge before becoming Brazil's Minister for Magic in a coup in 1974. He is the only son of João Pedro and Lorena Vargas (née Oliviera) and elder brother of Samara and Luiza Vargas; he has an elder brother, Leonardo, from his father's childhood romance. He is descendant of the first Brazilian Minister for Magic, Fernando Vargas, which helped his legitimacy when taking over the Brazilian Ministry. José attended Castelobruxo Institute of Sorcery from 1946 to 1955 and attended a Muggle university, where he studied Law. In addition, he received education as an Auror, becoming an official enforcer of magical law in 1966.
| - José Antonio Vargas (born 19 May, 1937) was a pure-blood Brazilian wizard, Auror and Supreme Judiciary Judge before becoming Brazil's Minister for Magic in a coup in 1974. He is the only son of João Pedro and Lorena Vargas (née Oliviera) and elder brother of Samara and Luiza Vargas; he has an elder brother, Leonardo, from his father's childhood romance. He is descendant of the first Brazilian Minister for Magic, Fernando Vargas, which helped his legitimacy when taking over the Brazilian Ministry. José attended Castelobruxo Institute of Sorcery from 1946 to 1955 and attended a Muggle university, where he studied Law. In addition, he received education as an Auror, becoming an official enforcer of magical law in 1966. In 1967, José was appointed to the Supreme Judiciary by Minister Tavares and became famous within wizarding Brazil for being a hardliner with regards to criminals and his in-depth knowledge of wizarding law. During this time, José began courting a Uruguayan witch named Florencia, with the pair marrying 1971. In 1973, José's brother Leonardo was assassinated during his run for the position of Minister for Magic. José was sure it was Minister Costa, although he lacked the hard evidence to support the claim. However, he used his influence to gather a contingent of Aurors and dismissed Costa on counts of abuse of power, a charge that stemmed from his direct ordering of Aurors to carry out missions, which was illegal as the Minister must relay the orders through the Head of the Auror Department. José became Acting Minister for Magic until free elections can be held. However, the deposed Minister returned with his own team of wizards and a firefight erupted in the Ministry Building. Although Vargas' men triumphed, his pregnant wife was caught in the crossfire, and although Healers were able to save their child, it was at the cost of Florencia's life. After the firefight and the death of his wife, José suspended the elections and imprisoned the wizards who attempted the coup. Vargas changed the constitution and with support from several influential areas of the government, named himself Minister for Magic and instituted an authoritarian rule over magical Brazil. The chaos after the Ministry Skirmish was swiftly dealt with and a stable government had been established. During the late 70's and early 80's, Vargas enjoyed popularity with much of the wizarding population but protests against his regime weren't uncommon. Throughout the early 80's, José began a relationship with Maria Luiza de Silva, a famous stage actress twenty-four years his junior.