| - Height: 7'4" Age: 35 Build and appearance: More slim than other tauren, but a pretty average height. Khainos both walks and moves with an apparent steadiness and patience. His body is, like all other tauren, covered in a short yet soft black fur and from his head protudes two smaller horns, both in a milk-white color. His eyes gleam in an amber-orange color and from his chin hangs a long braid. His calm appearance and his deep orange eyes often makes him seem older than he is, resulting in him being called "Wise old one" or "Elder" by many of his friends, to his own delight, since he simply finds it funny.Personality: Not only does Khainos move calmly and patient - He is so too. Like a rock in his beliefs and a steady, helping friend, Khainos is liked by many and disliked by few. Khainos h
| - Height: 7'4" Age: 35 Build and appearance: More slim than other tauren, but a pretty average height. Khainos both walks and moves with an apparent steadiness and patience. His body is, like all other tauren, covered in a short yet soft black fur and from his head protudes two smaller horns, both in a milk-white color. His eyes gleam in an amber-orange color and from his chin hangs a long braid. His calm appearance and his deep orange eyes often makes him seem older than he is, resulting in him being called "Wise old one" or "Elder" by many of his friends, to his own delight, since he simply finds it funny.Personality: Not only does Khainos move calmly and patient - He is so too. Like a rock in his beliefs and a steady, helping friend, Khainos is liked by many and disliked by few. Khainos honors a number of deities with the Earth Mother as the prime deity of his life and philosophy. Being a druid he spends much time within the Emerald Dream or meditating by himself, yet if his friends are in need, he doesn't hesitate to break his meditative state, if possible. Always strifing for a better world and seeking to cleanse his beloved Earth Mother, Khainos quickly began his training as a Plagueshifter just after finishing his druidic studies. Khainos has no love for bloodshed, war or killing, but he does as must against the Scourge and the Legion to protect what he cares for. His highest wish is to see the mortal races of Azeroth live in peace before he draws his final breath.