During the VKP meeting with Ashley Riot, several members of Parliament could be seen in the shadows. Apparently there is dissatisfaction amongst the Parliament members on Duke Bardorba's control over the Parliament's decision-making. As the story progresses, Ashley will learn that there is more to this than what the Parliament and the VKP lets out.
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- Parliament
- Parliament
- Parliament
| - Parliament es una banda de Funk y Rock psicodélico famosa en los 70, con Funkadelic su banda hermana, crearon el P-Funk y la cultura Funk. Nació de una banda llamada "The Parliaments", Luego de su primer hit en 1967 tuvieron problemas con su discográfica por lo que George Clinton el líder de la banda, firmó con una nueva dicográfica en 1969 con el nombre Funkadelic. En 1970 revivió a The Parliaments como Parliament. Su fama creció especialmente con álbumes como "Maggot Brain" Funkadelic (1971) o "Mothership Connection" Parliament (1975). Luego de su tiempo de estrellato, en 1981 nuevos problemas, hicieron que George disolviera las bandas, aunque muchos músicos siguieron con él.
- During the VKP meeting with Ashley Riot, several members of Parliament could be seen in the shadows. Apparently there is dissatisfaction amongst the Parliament members on Duke Bardorba's control over the Parliament's decision-making. As the story progresses, Ashley will learn that there is more to this than what the Parliament and the VKP lets out.
- The Parliament was the governing body of the Star Kingdom of Manticore, in which various political parties represented the populace of the Star Kingdom as well as the aristocracy.
- Make my funk the P-Funk.
- The U.K. Parliament is the supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom, British Crown dependencies and British overseas territories. It is located in Westminster, London. Parliament alone possesses legislative supremacy and thereby ultimate power over all other political bodies in the U.K. and its territories. At its head is the Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II. The parliament is bicameral, with an upper house, the House of Lords, and a lower house, the House of Commons. The Queen is the third component of the legislature.
- Parliament was a neutral inhabited planet in Sector 500. The diplomats of Antica and Selay were to be transported to this conference planet in 2364 by the USS Enterprise-D for peace talks. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us" ; TNG: "Conspiracy" , okudagram)
- The Parliament is the democratic branch to the Jottonian bureaucracy. It acts as the voice of the people to the government and makes decisions to improve circumstances in Jottonia.
- Parliament was een neutrale bewoonde planeet in sector 500. De diplomaten van Antica en Selay moesten worden vervoerd naar deze planeet in 2364 door de USS Enterprise-D voor vredesonderhandelingen. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us"; TNG: "Conspiracy", okudagram) Categorie:Planeten
- Parliament were an American Funk group. Their song "Flash Light" is featured in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 "Greatest Pilot" TV Spot.
- Der Planet Parliament ist ein neutraler Konferenzplanet im Sektor 500. 2364 bringt die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Delegierte der beiden Rassen, der Selay und Anticaner, nach Parliament. Diese beiden Spezies leben in tiefem Streit, haben sich aber beide um den Eintritt in die Föderation beworben. Auf Parliament sollen die Verhandlungen zwischen den beiden Völkern beginnen. (TNG: )
- Parliament was a neutral conference planet where the USS Enterprise-D was taking dignitaries of the warring Selay and Antican species. (TNG episode: "Lonely Among Us", DS9 novel: Arcade) In 2370, Anthony DeCurtis stopped an assassination attempt on the Federation President by Romulan operatives when the President visited Parliament. (ST video game: Starship Creator)
- The first Shard to be discovered by the High Houses after awakening on Quarterstone was Parliament in 526 AC. Hawksmouth was founded there and in order to let Quarterstone develop properly, all forms of politics were moved to Hawksmouth. Only later, when the was formed, would the High House structures be built. At present Parliament also serves as the training grounds for new recruits joining the Enclave Militia. Most of them are stationed at idyllic Hawksmouth and its pleasant neighbouring docks area, Hawk's Landing.
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| - Mothership Connection (Star Child) y Flash Light
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