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- Bayonetta is an action game for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 that came out in early 2010. It was developed by PlatinumGames and published by Sega. It follows the story of the powerful witch Bayonetta, who kills angels with her guns located on her hands and feet.
- Bayonetta is the titular protagonist and playable character from the video game Bayonetta and its sequel. She is a Lumen Sage-Umbra Witch hybrid who was imprisoned for 500 years after being stabbed in the heart and wakes up without any memories other than the fact that she is a witch. She is voiced by Helena Taylor.
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Bayonetta.
- Die Hexe Bayonetta ist die Hauptfigur aus der gleichnamigen Spiele-Reihe.
- The title character, who is a witch, uses her own powers to save the world from evil forces.
- Bayonetta takes place in Vigrid, a fictional city in Europe. The game stars the eponymous character, a witch who is capable of shapeshifting and using various firearms. She also possesses magical attacks, and she can use her own hair to summon demons to dispatch her foes. The game features a rating system, which gives players a grade based on their performance, and a combat system that is similar to the Devil May Cry series.
- Bayonetta jets forward and strike any enemies in her path, shooting then with her Stiletto. Pressing B will cause Bayonetta to dash forward and fire off a round from her gun. Holding B will increase the distance she will dash as well as how many bullets she will fire.
- Bayonetta è un videogioco d'azione pornografica, pubblicato da una ditta di videogiochi il cui nome è tutto un programma[citazione necessaria]: la SEGA. Partorito dalla mente perversa di Hideki Kamiya che, stancatosi della solita rissa tra demoni, ha deciso di dare vita a un "action game" per fare concorrenza a YouPorn. La protagonista del gioco, infatti, è una certa Bayonetta: una strega gnocca che per un motivo o per un altro ha perennemente le cosce aperte, le tette in mostra o le chiappe al vento.
- Bayonetta (ベヨネッタ Beyonetta?), real name Cereza, is the protagonist and main character of the Bayonetta series, developed by Platinum Games and published by Sega and Nintendo. Is the second character by Sega,in Super Smash Bros,alongside Sonic the Hedgehog. It is common practice for most if not all people playing against a Bayonetta to get very salty and rage quit. Bayonetta players are also regarded as some of the lowest life forms on earth for maining her.
- thumb | 256px | La portada japonesa del juegoBayonetta es un juego desarrollado por Platinum Games, (también llamado "Angels pequeño equipo") y dirigida por Hideki Kamiya. Se sigue las hazañas de la bruja del mismo nombre, Bayonetta, ya que las batallas contra los enemigos angelicales.
- Bayonetta (ベヨネッタ, Beyonetta) es un juego de acción para Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 y Wii U. Dirigido por Hideki Kamiya creador de Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe y Okami, en Platinum Games junto a Sega. Tiene lugar en una ciudad europea ficticia: Vigrid, el juego se centra en el personaje Bayonetta, la cual puede empuñar armas de mano entre otras armas y realizar ataques mágicos para defender a varios enemigos. El juego tiene cinco niveles de dificultad, los dos más fáciles contienen un modo de juego jugable con un sólo botón, similar al que Kamiya usó en Devil May Cry. Sus personajes fueron diseñados con un diseño moderno y 'fashion' en mente, mientras su múgica es en larga medida optimista y femenina.