| - Westgate is a city in the region of Daggerfall, High Rock, as well as the Wrothgarian Mountains, High Rock.
- Like its namesake, Westgate lies on the western expanse of Absalom's city districts. To the southeast is the Foreign Quarter, and to the northeast is the Ivy District. This district is mostly a residential area, yet there are also a number of shops interspersed throughout. Some of the oldest families with lineages stretching back thousands of years still call the district home. The area is thought of by some residents as the model of Absalom's traditions. The Kortos Cavalry patrols the streets of Westgate as the Sally Guard, and man the Sally Gate on the western walls of Absalom.
- Westgate was a seedy and squalid metropolis—with a history in piracy, powerful crime syndicates, and nameless vampiric crime-lords. Westgate thrived on blackmarket trade and corruption, and was perhaps one of the most sordid cities in all of Faerûn. The legacy of scoundrels and spies was found in every alley, and danger lurked for the unprepared in every corner. It was an open city that welcomed all travellers and citizens alike as long as they abided by the local laws and, of course, had enough coin.