Darlyn Boda was a planet in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. During the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade, Darlyn Boda had a criminal network which included the Trade Spine League and the Ivax Syndicate.
[Source] Darlyn Boda était une planète du secteur Anoat de la Région du Grand Javin dans les Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure. Du temps du Blocus de Fer, la Ligue des voies marchandes et le Syndicat d'Ivax étaient présent sur Darlyn Boda.
Darlyn Boda was a planet in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. During the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade, Darlyn Boda had a criminal network which included the Trade Spine League and the Ivax Syndicate.
[Source] Darlyn Boda était une planète du secteur Anoat de la Région du Grand Javin dans les Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure. Du temps du Blocus de Fer, la Ligue des voies marchandes et le Syndicat d'Ivax étaient présent sur Darlyn Boda.
Darlyn Boda was a planet in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. During the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade, Darlyn Boda had a criminal network which included the Trade Spine League and the Ivax Syndicate. This section of the article assumes 100% game completion. Alternate stories are noted in the "Behind the scenes" section. Note: The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity. A black market dealer on the planet offered a selection of valuable materials as payment for anyone who would rough up a number of thugs and gang members who were driving away his clientele, and at another point during the blockade, one of the smaller gangs on Darlyn Boda attempted to discredit the Trade Spine League's integrity by spreading false rumors of their dealings. In response, a young smuggler assigned a crew member to stop them. Assumption ends here.