| - 7(xsd:integer)
- by Kaivax, Sep 18, 2011 12:00 PM PDT
- by Nebu, Sep 18, 2012 12:00 AM PDT
- by Nebu, Sep 19, 2013 9:00 AM PDT
- by Ashelia 2011/09/18 7:44 PM
- by Ashelia 2011/09/19 9:45 AM
- by Blizzard Entertainment, 18 Sep 2012 12:54 BST
- by Blizzard Entertainment, 18 Sep 2013 11:00 BST
- by [ Damien], on 18 Sep. 2012
| - Yarrrr matey, it be Pirates' Day! Commoners wearing pirate garb have appeared in all the world's cities with the news that the Dread Captain DeMeza and her crew have landed in Booty Bay and declared it Pirates' Day! If you are brave enough to share a drink with her, you may have what it takes to become an honorary crew member for the day. First, talk to any pirate commoner to receive a costume to help you get into the spirit of Pirates' Day. Once appropriately attired, head down to Booty Bay to join in the fun. There, look for Dread Captain DeMeza and her crew, who have taken over the roof of the Booty Bay bank and auction house. By talking to Captain DeMeza, players become an honorary crew member and transform into a pirate of their race and gender for 12 hours. This costume buff may be clicked off but persists through combat, mounting, death, and so on but disappears if shapeshifted. Other highlights of the holiday include:
* A large crowd of pirate revelers ("Dread Crew") who dance, talk, eat, drink, laugh, and shoot fireworks. Ask File:IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Baron Revilgaz what he thinks of the visitors.
* The Tauren File:IconSmall Tauren Male.gif First Mate Hapana and his giant South Seas assault parrot, File:IconSmall Parrot.gif Nyuni .
* A trio of cannons and cannoneers who periodically fire out into the bay - at times, just barely missing the sails of the incoming transport. Those crazy corsairs.
* An achievement awarded simply by speaking to DeMeza, !
* File:IconSmall Human Male.gif Cap'n Slappy and File:IconSmall Human Male.gif Ol' Chumbucket, two curiously-named pirates. Also known as the authors of the book "Pirattitude", which teaches you how to be a pirate, John "Ol' Chumbucket" Baur and Mark "Cap'n Slappy" Summers.
* Lively pirate-themed music that plays upon the rooftop.