| - El pársec o parsec (símbolo pc) es una unidad de longitud utilizada en astronomía. Su nombre se deriva del inglés parallax of one arc second (paralaje de un segundo de arco). En sentido estricto pársec se define como la distancia a la que una unidad astronómica (ua) subtiende un ángulo de un segundo de arco (1"). En otras palabras, una estrella dista un pársec si su paralaje es igual a 1 segundo de arco. De la definición resulta que: 1 pársec = 206.265 ua = 3.2616 años luz = 182 billones de Kilómetros
- A parsec (short for parallax second) is a unit of distance that is equivalent to 3.26 light-years. According to Merriam-Webster, it is "the distance to an object having a parallax of one second as seen from points separated by one astronomical unit".
- Een parsec (pc) was een lengtemaat die werd gebruikt in de astronomie, de naam was afgeleid van parallax en boogseconde. De lengte van een parsec was de afstand die van een planeet de ruimte ingegaan moest worden om de gemiddelde afstand tussen die planeet en de zon een hoek van één boogseconde te zien. In het universum werd de waarde zoals die gemeten werd vanaf Coruscant als standaard genomen. De waarde van dat systeem was vastgesteld op 3,258 lichtjaar. Ook gold dat 15 parsecs (iets minder dan 49 lichtjaar) gelijk stonden aan één eenheid op de schaal van de Galactic Coordinates.
- Parsec ist die Abkürzung für Parallaxen-Sekunde, oft auch Bogensekunde genannt, und wird in der Astronomie zur Angabe der Entfernung von Himmelskörpern verwendet. Befindet man sich 3,262 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt, dann beträgt der Winkelabstand zwischen Sonne und Erde genau eine Bogensekunde.
- The parsec (symbol: pc) is a unit of length used in astronomy. It is about 3.26 light-years, which is equal to just under 31 trillion (3.1×1013) kilometers or just over 19 trillion (1.9×1013) miles. The name parsec is "an abbreviated form of 'a distance corresponding to a parallax of one second'". It was coined in 1913 at the suggestion of British astronomer Herbert Hall Turner. A parsec is the distance from the Sun to an astronomical object which has a parallax angle of one arcsecond.
- Parsec je jedinica za udaljenost koja iznosi otprilike 3.26 svjetlosnih godina.
- A parsec was a term used throughout the galaxy to measure stellar distances. It was roughly equivalent to 3.26 light years.
- Based on this, one parsec was exactly equal to 360×60×60 / 2π AU (206,264.8 AU or ∼3.26 light years). A parsec is more exactly defined than a light year, since the length of the latter is dependent on the length of the year being used. For example, the IAU uses a Julian year of 365.25 days, while other sources may use a Gregorian year of 365.2425 days, or even some other definition of year. In 2371, Neelix protested Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel's request to examine him for metremia, saying he didn't want the doctor within ten parsecs of him. (VOY: "Jetrel")
- I rymden mäter man med Parsec. Smugglaren och Rebelledaren Han Solo åkte Kesselrun på under 12 Parsec.
- A parsec (or parallax arc-second) is a unit of astronomical measurement, equal to roughly 3.26 light years. It was in common use by the United Federation of Planets in the 23rd and 24th centuries.
- Parsec of Conflagrations and Turmoil is the Fire Dragon and protector of the goblins. He makes several appearances throughout the game, giving Jack Russell fake money to get Jack to help him find Aphelion in Radiata City before the split, to fight Jack on the human side, and to tell Jack the dragons' purpose on the non-human side.
- A parsec is a unit of distance measurement, equal to 3.262 light-years (31 trillion kilometres or 19.2 trillion miles). One parsec is the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one arc-second. The parsec measurement was often used to measure stellar cartography by starship navigators. (TOS novel: Mission to Horatius)
- Le parsec (notée PC) est unité de longueur utilisée en astronomie. 1 PC vaut à peu près 30 856 775 812 820 km, soit 3,264 AL.
- One ship movement point, or one square on the grid. see also, Ship Range In astronomy, a parsec (symbol pc) is a standard unit of length. It stands for "parallax of one arc second." In terms of raw distance, one parsec is roughly equivalent to:
* 206,265 AU
* 30.84 trillion kilometers
* 19.17 trillion miles
* 3.26 light years For more astronomy discussion, see the Wikipedia entry on parsec
- Un parsec est une unité de mesure des distances astronomiques, utilisée par les Terriens et la Fédération. 1 parsec = 3,085 678×1016 m = environ 206 265 unités astronomiques = 3,2616 années-lumière.
- Un parsec è un'unità di misura astronomica per le lunghezze, il termine è un'abbreviazione di "parallax arc-second". È basato su di un metodo di misura terrestre, usato per calcolare le distanze interstellari tramite la trigonometria. Una stella che dista un parsec dall'osservatore ha un angolo di parallasse di un secondo d'arco. Sulla base di questo si può dire che un parsec equivale esattamente a 360 × 60 × 60 / 2π UA. (206,264.8 AU o ~3.26 anni luce)
- A parsec (symbol: pc) is a unit of lenght used in astronomy. The word "parsec" derivates from "parallax of one arc second" and is the result of the method of trigonometric parallax. One parsec corresponds to:
* 360 × 60 × 60/(2π) = 206,264.8062 AU
* 3.085 677 58 × 1016 m
* 1.917 351 16 × 1013 miles
* 3.261630751 light-years
- A Parsec (or par-second) is a unit of time, equivalent to the average time it takes one second to travel one centimeter in a vacuum. There are approximately 31,536,000 Parsecs in a light year, give or take a few depending on how fast light is traveling in your vacuum's Event Horizon. The Parsec is used to measure the time taken to complete a given leg of an interstellar journey. For instance, fourteen Parsecs is considered a good time to complete the Kessel run, and any time under twelve is superb.
- Parsec (abgekürzt pc) ist ein Längenmaß und entspricht etwa 3,26 Lichtjahren. Nach dem Test durch die Metronen wird die USS Enterprise 2267 unter Captain James T. Kirk über 500 Parsec weit von ihrer ursprünglichen Position weggeschleudert. (TOS: ) Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) ist 2365 bei Eingang des Notrufs der USS Lantree 2,2 Milliparsec von ihrer Position entfernt. (TNG: ) 2,2 mpc = 0,0022 pc ≈ 0,007 Lichtjahre ≈ 44 AE Im gleichen Jahr meint Neelix gegenüber Kathryn Janeway und Kes, dass er nicht wünscht, dass ihm Ma'Bor Jetrel auf 10 Parsecs nahe kommt. (VOY: )