Rebecca Hawkins, known as Rebecca Hopkins in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! second series anime. Rebecca is, in the original Japanese version, the youngest person to become the American Duel Monsters champion, formerly held by Bandit Keith. In the English anime, she is the Intercontinental Champion. Rebecca is also the granddaughter of Arthur Hawkins. She is twelve years old in the original Japanese anime. In the dub, she is eight, ten in Waking the Dragons.
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| - Rebecca Hawkins, known as Rebecca Hopkins in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! second series anime. Rebecca is, in the original Japanese version, the youngest person to become the American Duel Monsters champion, formerly held by Bandit Keith. In the English anime, she is the Intercontinental Champion. Rebecca is also the granddaughter of Arthur Hawkins. She is twelve years old in the original Japanese anime. In the dub, she is eight, ten in Waking the Dragons.
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Romaji Name
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video game debut
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction
| - * Dragon's Rage
* Gravity Bind
* Imperial Order
* Rope of Life
effect monsters
| - * Cure Mermaid
* Diamond Head Dragon x2
* Fire Princess
* Guardian Angel Joan
* Injection Fairy Lily
* Marie the Fallen One
* Witch of the Black Forest
normal monsters
| - * Luster Dragon
* Luster Dragon #2
* Ruby Dragon
hide appearances
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en name
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| - * Adamantine Sword Revival
* Dragon's Gunfire
* Graceful Charity
* Polymerization
* Pot of Greed
* Ring of Magnetism
* Scapegoat
* Silent Doom
* Stamping Destruction
* The Shallow Grave
* Token Thanksgiving
* Tribute to the Doomed
| - Rebecca, during the Grand Championship
appears in anime
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ntr deck
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appears in gba
| - * Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction
* Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler
appears in nds
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour
anime deck
| - * Shadow Ghoul
* Gem Dragon
* Gem Dragon/Anti-Cure
appears in xbox
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium Duels
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Ja Name
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| - Rebecca Hawkins, known as Rebecca Hopkins in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! second series anime. Rebecca is, in the original Japanese version, the youngest person to become the American Duel Monsters champion, formerly held by Bandit Keith. In the English anime, she is the Intercontinental Champion. Rebecca is also the granddaughter of Arthur Hawkins. She is twelve years old in the original Japanese anime. In the dub, she is eight, ten in Waking the Dragons.
is Relatives
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is Winner
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