| - Caution: Monsters' damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
- Spacepunch, or Punch for short, is an Autobot, but he pretends to be a Decepticon named Counterpunch. Both of him are really secretive. French name (Canada): Pugilil/Contrecoup Japanese name: Spacepunch/Counterpunch Italian name: Spy/Ultraspy
- Beim Punch handelt es sich um einen Gegner mit Boxhandschuhen und einem großen Helm.
- Punch is an emote that can only be performed while on the stage in the theatre of a clan citadel.
- Punch is the husband and life crime partner of Jewelee, who is also another robbery thief.
- Neelix made punch for Kes' second birthday party aboard USS Voyager in 2371. (VOY: "Twisted")
- Punch is a move in Stinnamon .
- Punch is an anime-only Slot Magic Spell.
- Der Punch (jap. パンチ攻撃 Panchi kōgeki, eng. Punch Attack) ist ein Move, der von Knuckles the Echidna verwendet wird. Er taucht dabei in den Spielen und Serien auf.
- Punch was an English magazine. On a train ride through Italy in 1922, Professor Dorian Belecamus recognised she was being followed by Farnsworth when she saw the man hiding behind a copy of Punch, which gave him away.
- The punch button is usually 'tied' to attacks performed with the upper half of the body. It is the basis of special attacks such as the Hadoken or Sonic Boom.
- Punch (パンチ Panchi?) – atak wykorzystywany przez Doktora Eggmana w grach Sonic Adventure 2 i Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Jest odpowiednikiem Propeller Punch u Tailsa.
- Punch is an Autobot secret agent. He is an infiltration expert, and has been known to pose as a Decepticon behind enemy lines for days at a time. Always calm and cool-headed, Punch is a robot of few words, prefering to let his actions speak for him. He reveals little of his true self to anyone, and secretly worries that he is becoming too comfortable with his Decepticon disguises. As a car, maximum speed is 160mph. In robot mode, is armed with twin mortar launchers and a photon cannon. A veteran in the Autobot ranks, Punch is generally unwilling to work with rookies, afraid they will blow his cover.
- [[Jang Yoo-Bin (Shin Min Ah) y su hermano son huérfanos. El es un boxeador a punto de poder convertirse en profesional. Jang Yoo-Bin adora a su hermano y siempre va a todos sus combates a animarlo. Lee Han-Sae (Joo Jin Mo) es un boxeador joven que está progresando en su carrera para ser un profesional. El destino hace que se enfrenten en una pelea de boxeo Lee Han-Sae y el hermano de Jang Yoo-Bin. A partir de ahí van entrelazándose el amor y el mundo duro de este deporte… La trágica unión de un hombre y una mujer en un mundo donde los golpes son primero que la ley, en donde ellos eligen el amor antes que los golpes para encontrar esperanza en el futuro...]]
- File:Punch zan .gif Write the text of your article here!
- John Peel contributed occasional pieces to the publication, two of which were reprinted in Olivetti Chronicles:
* 1976-04-07, Hello Tailor!, pg. 112-3
* 1980-01-16, Record Shops, pg. 251-4 Please add further details on Peel's articles for Punch if known.
- Tipo: Activo Afinidad: Blunt Tipo de acción: Atacar Costo: - Ataque normal. Golpea al enemigo con los puños o con armas, infligiendo daño tipo blunt.
- In the original Japanese version of the episode, the drink consumed by the Zentraedi was not punch but rather an alcoholic beverage. This was changed in the Robotech version, one of the few key examples of non-sexual Americanized censoring of the series.
- In 1890, Punch ran a cartoon depicting Othniel Marsh as sort of animal trainer putting dinosaur fossils through their paces while standing on a Triceratops skull. Amused, John Bell Hatcher shared the cartoon with Joe, who declined Hatcher's offer to look at the magazine. Had Joe looked, he might have realized that the "green buffalo" he'd eaten with Hatcher was actually a dinosaur.
- (more introduction) The first ride to Whateley on the van was uncomfortable for her mostly because of Gerald sitting beside her (she does NOT like him at all) and the way she felt she measured up in the looks department to the redheaded Fey on the other side. She is an excellent student, though has to work to keep her grades up, and especially struggles with math.
- Punch is the default weapon in The Elder Scrolls: Arena. It is the weakest weapon the Eternal Champion can use, and can only be used if the player does not have a weapon equipped. Punch only deals 1-2 base damage, although strength and the attack technique used can increase the damage done. Punch is not particularly useful at any point in the game, however, the player may end up using it during a dangerous situation where their weapon breaks during combat.
- [Source] "Punch" était le surnom d'un soldat clone qui servait la Grande Armée de la République durant la Guerre des Clones. Il était sous les ordres du sergent clone Slick dans sa section.
- A punch recipe can be made from a variety of ingredients. Experienced punch makers can whip up great punch recipes out of almost anything that they have around. An example punch recipe is:
* ½ gallon strawberry sherbet
* 2 quarts fruit juice
* 2 quarts ginger ale
- On the surface, Punch is a stoic individual that can take charge and keep others calm in a crisis. However, this is an act that hides how paranoid he's become. His responsibilities as a spy, in addition to the things he's seen among the Decepticons, have made him a mess internally. Punch’s entire personality changes when he becomes Counterpunch—although still loyal to the Autobots, Counterpunch is a violent brute that even Decepticons prefer to avoid. More recently Punch has suffered blackouts while disguised, the invented Counterpunch personality taking on a life of its own. Punch is suspicious of all those around him, fearing that there could be a double agent among the Autobots operating as easily as he does among the Decepticons.
- Punch fue uno de los soldados clon que conformó el Pelotón de Slick, junto a Chopper, Sketch, Jester, Gus y el sargento Slick . Su escuadròn estuvo involucrado en la Batalla de Christophsis, ya que se sospechaba que en el escuadrón donde él estaba había un espía. El comandante Cody y el Capitán Rex fueron a interrogarlos a todos los clones del pelotón. En el interrogatorio Slick se descubrió como el espía y trató de escapar. Después de una larga búsqueda, Slick fue encontrado y apresado. imagen Punch imagen <default>Punch</default>
- Punches are designated as being low, middle, or high depending on where they are aimed.
* Low Section Punch (also called Low Punch) - this is aimed at the opponent's navel.
* Middle Section Punch (also called Middle Punch or momtong jireugi) - aimed at the opponent's solar plexus.
* High Section Punch (also called High Punch or olgul jireugi) - this is aimed at the opponent's face (especially the height of the upper lip). Punches are also designated as being "obverse" (aka "straight") or "reverse" depending on the position of your feet and your stance.