The Kov were a species of omniscient beings living in Mortrax A. They are the polar opposites of the Vok.
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| - The Kov were a species of omniscient beings living in Mortrax A. They are the polar opposites of the Vok.
- Kov was a joined male Trill in the 23rd century. He was an agent of the Trill Symbiosis Commission who served as a go-between for the Commission and special investigator Verjyl Gard. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor") The story never explicitly states Kov is joined, but given the sensitive nature of his job, it seems highly likely. As he's given only the single name, it's likely Kov is the name of the symbiont.
- Egli e suo padre avevano interrotto i contatti da circa dieci anni, otto dei quali egli passò sulla Vahklas. Durante questo periodo, al padre venne diagnosticata una patologia terminale. Nel 2151, fu inviato a bordo della Enterprise NX-01 per lavorare con gli ingegneri. In questo tempo, egli ed il Comandante Charles Tucker III, il capo ingegnere, diventarono amici. Kov aveva molti luoghi comuni sugli umani, come i cicli del sonno e le pratiche di accoppiamento. Quando l'Alto Comando Vulcaniano venne a sapere che l' Enterprise era in contatto con l'equipaggio della Vahklas, informarono il capitano Jonathan Archer della malattia del padre di Kov. Archer non riuscì a convincere Kov a mettersi in contatto con casa, girando la richiesta a Tucker. Kov disse che suo padre e lui avevano interrotto
- thumb|Kov (2151) Kov ist der Sohn eines Ministers des vulkanischen Oberkommandos. Zwischen 2141 und 2142 schließt er sich einer Gruppe V'tosh ka'tur an. Dadurch kommt es zu großen Streitigkeiten zwischen ihm und seinem Vater. Seitdem haben sie nicht mehr miteinander gesprochen. 2143 geht er als Ingenieur an Bord der Vahklas und erforscht dort mit seinen Kollegen Emotionen. 2151 erreicht ihn über Jonathan Archer die Nachricht, dass sein Vater todkrank sei. Nach einigen Bedenken nimmt er schließlich wieder Kontakt auf. Der Gesundheitszustand seines Vaters hat sich aber glücklicherweise wieder verbessert. Kov bleibt weiterhin auf der Vahklas. (ENT: )
- Kov was a Vulcan V'tosh ka'tur that served as an engineer aboard the Vahklas, a Vulcan civilian transport ship. He and his father had a falling out, and did not communicate for about nine or ten years, eight of which he spent on the Vahklas. During this time, his father was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
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| - The Kov were a species of omniscient beings living in Mortrax A. They are the polar opposites of the Vok.
- Kov was a joined male Trill in the 23rd century. He was an agent of the Trill Symbiosis Commission who served as a go-between for the Commission and special investigator Verjyl Gard. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor") The story never explicitly states Kov is joined, but given the sensitive nature of his job, it seems highly likely. As he's given only the single name, it's likely Kov is the name of the symbiont.
- Kov was a Vulcan V'tosh ka'tur that served as an engineer aboard the Vahklas, a Vulcan civilian transport ship. He and his father had a falling out, and did not communicate for about nine or ten years, eight of which he spent on the Vahklas. During this time, his father was diagnosed with a terminal illness. In 2151, he was sent to Enterprise NX-01 to work with their engineers. During his time there, he and Commander Charles Tucker III, the chief engineer, became friends. Kov had many misconceptions about Humans, such as their sleeping and mating practices. When the Vulcan High Command learned that the Enterprise was in contact with the Vahklas crewmember, they informed Enterprise's captain Jonathan Archer of Kov's father's illness. Archer was unable to convince Kov to call home, and so the captain gave the task to Tucker. Kov stated that he and his father had ended their relationship years before, when his father told him that he was a disgrace to their family. Recalling a dance when he was younger during which he never worked up the courage to dance with the girl he had a crush on, Commander Tucker persuaded Kov to contact his father one last time, telling Kov that regret was a difficult emotion to cope with. As a result, Kov learned that his father was going to undergo surgery that would prolong his life. (ENT: "Fusion") In the final draft script of "Fusion", Kov is described as "more 'full bodied' than the average Vulcan." Actor Kelly Connell was initially cast to portray Kov but was unable to fulfill this part. ("Fusion" call sheet) Actor Matt Malloy also auditioned for the part, and the role was offered to him, too, though he couldn't commit himself to accepting it since the production period for "Fusion" conflicted with a movie he was doing. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 28) Ultimately, Kov was played by actor John Harrington Bland.
- thumb|Kov (2151) Kov ist der Sohn eines Ministers des vulkanischen Oberkommandos. Zwischen 2141 und 2142 schließt er sich einer Gruppe V'tosh ka'tur an. Dadurch kommt es zu großen Streitigkeiten zwischen ihm und seinem Vater. Seitdem haben sie nicht mehr miteinander gesprochen. 2143 geht er als Ingenieur an Bord der Vahklas und erforscht dort mit seinen Kollegen Emotionen. 2151 erreicht ihn über Jonathan Archer die Nachricht, dass sein Vater todkrank sei. Nach einigen Bedenken nimmt er schließlich wieder Kontakt auf. Der Gesundheitszustand seines Vaters hat sich aber glücklicherweise wieder verbessert. Kov bleibt weiterhin auf der Vahklas. (ENT: ) Kov wurde von John Harrington Bland gespielt und von Pascal Breuer synchronisiert.
- Egli e suo padre avevano interrotto i contatti da circa dieci anni, otto dei quali egli passò sulla Vahklas. Durante questo periodo, al padre venne diagnosticata una patologia terminale. Nel 2151, fu inviato a bordo della Enterprise NX-01 per lavorare con gli ingegneri. In questo tempo, egli ed il Comandante Charles Tucker III, il capo ingegnere, diventarono amici. Kov aveva molti luoghi comuni sugli umani, come i cicli del sonno e le pratiche di accoppiamento. Quando l'Alto Comando Vulcaniano venne a sapere che l' Enterprise era in contatto con l'equipaggio della Vahklas, informarono il capitano Jonathan Archer della malattia del padre di Kov. Archer non riuscì a convincere Kov a mettersi in contatto con casa, girando la richiesta a Tucker. Kov disse che suo padre e lui avevano interrotto i rapporti anni prima, quando suo padre gli aveva detto di essere la disgrazia della famiglia. Ricordando un ballo da giovane in cui non aveva avuto il coraggio di chiedere ad una ragazza - per la quale aveva una cotta - di ballare con lui, il comandante Tucker riuscì a convincere Kov di contattare il padre per l'ultima volta, dicendogli che il rimpianto è un'emozione difficile da affrontare. Kov gli diede ascolto, e venne a sapere che il padre avrebbe subito un intervento chirurgico capace di allungargli la vita. (ENT: "La fusione") Kov è stato interpretato da John Harrington Bland.
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