| - Dragonfly is a Mutant and leader of the Offbeats.
Born Dimitri Drevin to a Russian family, Dimitri had a younger brother who would later become Mantis. He was unusually intelligent and as he grew up he developed many inventions. Unfortunately for him, when he was 16 his mutant powers began to develop, and he grew large, dragonfly-like wings, claws, and chitin in place of skin. He was driven away by his own family and became bitter and resentful, yet despite this, he didn't actually hate humans.
Becoming an Acolyte
During his time in exile, he developed armor and a helmet that resembled a dragonfly's head. At some point, he was discovered by Magneto and joined his Acolytes. However as time went by, he began to see that while he agreed that mutants were superior to humans, he didn't actually hate them and disagreed with Magneto's extreme views on them. He discovered that a small group of mutants agreed with his ideas, so he and his group left the Acolytes to make their own team.
The Offbeats
After creating and naming his group, he decided that his team needed some credibility, and decided that the best way to do that was to defeat the Avengers. Unfortunately, the battle was very short, as the Avengers quickly gained the upper hand and defeated the Offbeats. As a result, they were sent to the Vault. However, after breaking out, they decided that staying evil was not their fate, and Dragonfly decided that the Offbeats should become a heroic team rather than a villainous one. However, he has a rivalry with the superheroine named Dragonfly and often fights with her.
Secret Invasion
During the Skrull invasion, Dragonfly was horrified that two members of his team had been replaced by Skrulls and considered torturing them to gain information, much to everyone's disgust. Later, when the group was approached by the Skrull Kill Krew, Dragonfly, Bonzai Bill and Ace were the only members who refused to temporarily join the team and departed.