| - A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
- Valkur (pronounced val-KURR ), the Captain of the Waves, was an exarch of Tempus, patron of sailors, ships, favorable winds, and naval combat.
- Valkur is a fictional Faerûnian demipower deity of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. He is the deity of sailors, ships, favorable winds and naval combat. Valkur's philosophy puts him in conflict with the capricious ocean-goddess Umberlee. Forgotten Realms-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by [ expanding it].
- Name: Valkur Divine rank: demigod Title(s): The Mighty, Captain of the Waves Symbol: cloud with three lightning bolts on a shield Home plane: Alignment: chaotic good Portfolio: sailors, ships, favorable winds, naval combat Worshipers: Worshiper alignment: any alignment Cleric alignment: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Domains: air, chaos, good, ocean, protection Favored weapon: "The Captain's Cutlass" (cutlass) Festivals:
* The Shattering (19 Ches)
- Valkur, der Kapitän der Wellen, ist der Schutzgott der Seefahrer, Schiffe und zuständig für günstige Winde und Seeschlachten.
- 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Valkura Valkur (val-kurr) potrafi pilotować każdy okręt w każdych warunkach i nigdy nie wzbrania się przed podjęciem takiego wyzwania.
- Valkur, also known as Valkur the Mighty, is a chaotic good lesser deity of sailors. He protects ships against the cruel whims of Umberlee and the destruction of Talos. He appears as a giant sailor who wades through the ocean, which only reaches up to his knees.