The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! is a direct-to-DVD movie written and produced by original writers and executive producers Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein. The film is the first Drawn Together release since the show's cancellation, and the film itself deals with that topic. The entire original cast returns to voice their original characters. Though originally announced for a November 2009 release , the film was eventually released on April 20, 2010. A Blu-Ray edition of the film is also available, being sold exclusively through Best Buy.
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- The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!
| - frame|The Drawn Together Movie – Poster The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! ist der langerwartete Cartoon-Spielfilm zur TV-Serie Drawn Together. Der Film ist vom April 2010, die Serie wurde zwischen 2004 und 2007 produziert.
* Film-Tralier – (1:42 min) Der Drawn Together-Film dauert nur 71 min und soll nicht so toll sein. Es geht um die Absetzung der eigenen Serie.
- The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! is a direct-to-DVD movie written and produced by original writers and executive producers Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein. The film is the first Drawn Together release since the show's cancellation, and the film itself deals with that topic. The entire original cast returns to voice their original characters. Though originally announced for a November 2009 release , the film was eventually released on April 20, 2010. A Blu-Ray edition of the film is also available, being sold exclusively through Best Buy.
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| - Not rated; recommended for mature audiences only
| - The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!
| - frame|The Drawn Together Movie – Poster The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! ist der langerwartete Cartoon-Spielfilm zur TV-Serie Drawn Together. Der Film ist vom April 2010, die Serie wurde zwischen 2004 und 2007 produziert.
* Film-Tralier – (1:42 min) Der Drawn Together-Film dauert nur 71 min und soll nicht so toll sein. Es geht um die Absetzung der eigenen Serie.
- The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! is a direct-to-DVD movie written and produced by original writers and executive producers Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein. The film is the first Drawn Together release since the show's cancellation, and the film itself deals with that topic. The entire original cast returns to voice their original characters. Though originally announced for a November 2009 release , the film was eventually released on April 20, 2010. A Blu-Ray edition of the film is also available, being sold exclusively through Best Buy. Unlike the series, which was done in traditional animation by Rough Draft Studios, the movie, produced by Six Point Harness, is completely done in flash animation using Toon Boom Harmony 9 and Adobe Flash Professional. According to interviews with Jeser and Silverstein, the decision was made to switch production companies when they realized that the budget allotted to them would not be sufficient to produce the film with traditional animation. However, the new style of production had the additional benefits of not only being much quicker, but also allowed Jeser and Silverstein to be more hands-on with the animation process, even going so far as being able to tweak jokes and add new material during the production process. The movie features the guest voice talent of Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy) as "I.S.R.A.E.L." and Vernon Wells (Commando) as the network head. A soundtrack featuring music from the series was released in conjunction with the movie. Two brand new songs, "Suck My Taint" and "Make a Point Land", both of which appear on the soundtrack album, were written for the film. In the movie, the Drawn Together gang discovers that their show has been cancelled, but they were never told about it. This, like the Hot Topic storyline in "Lost in Parking Space, Part One", is based on the creators' real life experience with the show's cancellation.
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