| - Residue is a complex number proportional to a contour integral over a path around a pole a of a meromorphic function f. It is denoted as . The value of the residue of a pole is given by In the case of a simple pole (a pole with a multiplicity of 1) this formula reduces to If f(z) can be expressed as the quotient of two holomorphic functions, and h'(c) ≠0, this formula further reduces to By Cauchy's integral formula, residue is related to the contour integral by
- In Foldit, the terms "residue" and "segment" are used more or less interchangeably. Both normally refer to the amino acids that make up a protein. The scripting functions in the Foldit Lua interface typically refer to segments. Puzzle titles often refer to residues, as in "85 Residue Monomer Design". In some puzzles, one or more segments represent "ligands", which are atoms or small molecules that interact with the protein in some way. This is an example of a Foldit segment which is not a residue. The sidechain of a residue may still be acid, however.
- Residue (no real name known) is a bit of an anomaly. According to the canon material seeded into the old Wiki, she gained her powers as a result of something that Rev. Englund did, which probably makes her an "Origin Hero" instead of a mutant, and is a member of the Goths. She's mentioned in a number of other stories, but is not an active character.
| - In Foldit, the terms "residue" and "segment" are used more or less interchangeably. Both normally refer to the amino acids that make up a protein. The scripting functions in the Foldit Lua interface typically refer to segments. Puzzle titles often refer to residues, as in "85 Residue Monomer Design". In some puzzles, one or more segments represent "ligands", which are atoms or small molecules that interact with the protein in some way. This is an example of a Foldit segment which is not a residue. "Residue" in this sense technically means "amino acid residue". See the IUPAC definition for "amino acid residue" for details. The sidechain of a residue may still be acid, however. (A previous version of this article incorrectly defined "residue" as usually referring "exclusively to an amino acid's sidechain". Chemical diagrams often use an "R" for the sidechain, but "R" does not mean "residue" in the Foldit sense. See this Wikipedia explanation of the "R" notation.)
- Residue is a complex number proportional to a contour integral over a path around a pole a of a meromorphic function f. It is denoted as . The value of the residue of a pole is given by In the case of a simple pole (a pole with a multiplicity of 1) this formula reduces to If f(z) can be expressed as the quotient of two holomorphic functions, and h'(c) ≠0, this formula further reduces to By Cauchy's integral formula, residue is related to the contour integral by By the residue theorem, the value of a closed contour integral is equal to the sum of the residues inside of it. For a positively oriented (the integral is taken counter-clockwise) curve γ with winding number I (the number of times the curve loops around the pole) around n poles, located at ai, File:GammaAbsSmallPlot.svg This complex analysis-related article contains minimal information concerning its topic. You can help the Mathematics Wikia by adding to it.
- Residue (no real name known) is a bit of an anomaly. According to the canon material seeded into the old Wiki, she gained her powers as a result of something that Rev. Englund did, which probably makes her an "Origin Hero" instead of a mutant, and is a member of the Goths. Among those is Residue. In fact, it was due to one of his activities that she “gained” her powers. Englund immediately arranged for a superb scholarship for the girl. She understands his motivation completely, but hates him and would enjoy seeing him die slowly, in extreme pain. and Residue is just creepy-thin, which is just bad being stuck over in Melville, where they're sure to be really mean to her. Residue all by herself is enough to bring down the whole room. The ‘death of the party’, that’s her. But there were other possibilities among the students on campus, starting with that sanctimonious England’s pet student Residue. Yes, if he could prove that it was Residue, and force the Reverend England to his knees at the same time, that would be so sweet… She's mentioned in a number of other stories, but is not an active character.