| - Aphrodite: Okay, Turtwig, let's practice for the Showcase! ???: Hello. Aphrodite: Who are you? ???: Shouldn't you know? (The person removes his disguise, and revealed to be a fiery red trainer, that Quincy recognized) Quincy: Hold on. Chili? Chili: The very same! Chili's Pansear: "Sear" Quincy: What are you doing here? Chili: I'm on a journey of my own. Aphrodite: (girlish squeal) One sec! (She runs in the other direction.) (Cut to Artemis and Chimchar hanging upside down in a tree eating cookies.) Aphrodite: (She runs up behind them.) Artemis! Artemis: (She screams and falls off.) (muffled) What in the name of Moltres do you want? (Artemis notices Chili, then her face changed to a shocked but stunned look) Artemis's Chimchar: Chim Chimchar? (What's up?) Artemis: (She waves) Artemis: Th....th...th... ???: "Myyyyyyyy" Artemis: What was that? Athena: If you knew anything, you'd know that was a Goomy. Artemis: (grumbling) Not everyone can be as perfect as you, Mary Sue. (Quincy pointed her hand close to where the two Goomy were) Quincy: Look over there! Artemis: (She does) Let's go over there, then. (They arrive and saw two "R" they recognized) Quincy: The Goomys! Quincy: I.....got you! Aphrodite: Ugh! It looks so slimy! Quincy: Goomy, are you okay? Shiny Goomy: Goo my! (Yep!) Aphrodite: Goomy, make it stop! OH MY GOSH, EVERYTHING IS GETTING WET! Shiny Goomy: Goo goo, my goom (Brother, stop that!) Normal Goomy: Goomy Goomy! Goom! (Heck no, it's fun to hear her scream. I'm planning on Body Slamming the tall one next!) Athena: Oh no... Chili, I think you're in trouble. Shiny Goomy: Gooooooooo ("Stoooooooop") Shiny Goomy: Goo, my goom ("Oops, sorry bro") Aphrodite: The Goomys caught themselves? Artemis: You better believe it. Artemis's Chimchar: Chimchar chim char! (They really like their Trainers!)