Masturbation is treated differently in different religions but many devout people in less tolerant religions suffer agonies os sexual frustration when they can control the urge to masturbate and suffer agonies of guilt when they can't.
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- Masturbation
- Masturbation
- Masturbation
| - Masturbation is treated differently in different religions but many devout people in less tolerant religions suffer agonies os sexual frustration when they can control the urge to masturbate and suffer agonies of guilt when they can't.
- DJ Does a Good Job starts masturbating.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Masturbation]] masturbārī, conjectured to have originated from a contraction of manus (“‘hand’”) and turbāre (“‘to disturb, to throw into confusion’”).
- America's greatest past time. A favorite activity among many on the board, including Williaaam~!, John Wayne, jonnymudd and thebdr who do it 98 times a day each. During Edge and Lita's live sex show, Jerry Lawler asked JR for a tissue and started implying that he was so excited he was going to shoot his goo all over the announce table. Luckily for both JR and the USA Network he didn't.
- In an alternate reality, Superman was in the bathroom in the Hall of Justice masturbating to a pornographic video that Wonder Woman made.
- In the 19th and early 20th Centuries children and adults taught it's perverted. People were made to feel guilty and scared though masturbation is fun and doesn't harm anyone. They were taught that it would weaken them and put them at risk of early death. None of this really happened but they imagined it did. Religious people taught that masturbation caused any range of diseases, sometimes fatal. This range could include blindness, broken limbs, and even things that people usually think are accidents, like homosexuality, or various sicknesses. Masturbation also was supposed to cause physical weakness, feeble-mindedness and insanity. The sex drive is so strong that people still did it, it just made people feel awful because they couldn’t stop.
- Not to be confused with Master Debater, masturbaters don't go to heaven. Look at Stephen's palms — do they look hairy? Of course not. That's because Dr. Colbert doesn't touch himself down there; he uses tongs when he has to pee. Masturbation is both homersexual and murder and must therefore be monitored. Masturbation occurs in three main forms: 1.
* Political Masturbation 2.
* Presidential Masturbation and 3.
* Diplomatic Masturbation
- Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation of a person's genitals, often to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (short of sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. Self masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism, and masturbation with a partner (mutual masturbation) is also common. This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
- Jesus hat gesagt, du sollst dir lieber die Hand ausreißen, als zu masturbieren. (Matthäus 5.30) Bei diesem Thema ist Jesus total cool drauf! - An der nicht zu verbergenden Einarmigkeit vieler entschiedener Christenmenschen kann man sehr schön erkennen, dass dies auch heute noch gilt. Nur in sehr selten Fällen sind Christenmenschen anzutreffen, die eine beidseitige Armamputation an sich vorgenommen haben. siehe auch: Ondulieren
- Le mot masturbation, plus connu sous le terme de « jeux de mains, jeu de vilains » et défini par le fait pour dieu de tuer des chatons, a plusieurs étymologies.
* La première, l'unique, la vraie : Le mot masturbation viendrait du latin "manus", main et de "stupare", souiller.
* La seconde, tout aussi unique mais peut-être un peu moins vraie, : Le mot masturbation viendrait du français "masser" et de l'anglais "disturb", déranger : cela voudrait dire "masser un être dérangé", ce qui peut être vrai certaines fois.
* La dernière, enfin, elle aussi unique mais encore moins véridique : Le mot masturbation viendrait de "masser" et de "turbine" : masser la turbine. « Ho oui,viens me masser ma grosse turbine... » ~ Le capitaine Bleuten,directeur de la salle des machines, à son appre
- Masturbation is the act of purposely stimulating one's own sexual organs to induce excitement and orgasm. Once thought to be a severe pathology of mental illness, studies by Kinsey and others starting in the 1950s showed that it was a normal behavior for both men and women with well over 90% of men engaging in it at some point of their lives at that time. The percentage of women who engage in masturbation has been steadily increasing since the 1950s and now the overwhelming majority of both sexes have engaged in it and a substantial percentage of people engage in such behavior on a regular basis, even if they are sexually active with partners. Most people start masturbating at the onset of puberty, but masturbation can occur at any age. It is now well understood to be a normal part of heal
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| - Masturbation is treated differently in different religions but many devout people in less tolerant religions suffer agonies os sexual frustration when they can control the urge to masturbate and suffer agonies of guilt when they can't.
- Jesus hat gesagt, du sollst dir lieber die Hand ausreißen, als zu masturbieren. (Matthäus 5.30) Bei diesem Thema ist Jesus total cool drauf! - An der nicht zu verbergenden Einarmigkeit vieler entschiedener Christenmenschen kann man sehr schön erkennen, dass dies auch heute noch gilt. Nur in sehr selten Fällen sind Christenmenschen anzutreffen, die eine beidseitige Armamputation an sich vorgenommen haben. siehe auch: Ondulieren Anmerkung: Dieser Artikel möchte niemanden diskriminieren, besonders nicht unsere behinderten Mitmenschen, denen aus unterschiedlichen Gründen eines ihrer Gliedmaßen verloren haben. Hier geht es darum, dass das Masturbationsverbot, nach strenger Auslegung der Bibel, eigentlich Folgen haben müsste, über die man nicht zu sprechen wagt.
- Masturbation is the act of purposely stimulating one's own sexual organs to induce excitement and orgasm. Once thought to be a severe pathology of mental illness, studies by Kinsey and others starting in the 1950s showed that it was a normal behavior for both men and women with well over 90% of men engaging in it at some point of their lives at that time. The percentage of women who engage in masturbation has been steadily increasing since the 1950s and now the overwhelming majority of both sexes have engaged in it and a substantial percentage of people engage in such behavior on a regular basis, even if they are sexually active with partners. Most people start masturbating at the onset of puberty, but masturbation can occur at any age. It is now well understood to be a normal part of healty sexual behavior. However, despite modern knowledge about the practice, if often persits as a taboo, particularly among younger persons. Individuals are relucant to talk about it even with intimate partners and medical professionals. The occurrence of gratification disorder (a misonmer for precocious masturbation) is poorly understood by parents. As such, medical professionals often have to be trained to be tactful with patients when discussing it. Masturbation has been mentioned several times on House, M.D. In Euphoria (Part 2), House sees a young girl named Rose whose mother thinks she is having epileptic seizures when in fact she is just masturbating. In The Choice, the doctors give the patient a choice of straight or gay porn to masturbate to while they test his ability to get and maintain an erection. To avoid revealing his sexual preferences, he takes an injection instead. In Two Stories, House believes a clinic patient's genital insensitivity is due to her masturbating with a powerful vibrator. In Charity Case, House's patient Clancy has a rash on his hands. House determines that he has been masturbating using his mother's hand creme and he's allergic to it. In Moving On, House tells Lisa Cuddy he's returning her Owen Wilson DVD so she can masturbate to it. In Small Sacrifices, while House and Cuddy are fighting, House tells her that because she's not having sex with him, he's been "choking chickens", a euphemism for masturbation.
- Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation of a person's genitals, often to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (short of sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. Self masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism, and masturbation with a partner (mutual masturbation) is also common. Men and women have techniques and characteristics in common, but also have specific preferences in the ways they like to masturbate or be masturbated. Studies have found that masturbation is frequent in humans of both sexes and all ages, although there is variation. Various medical and psychological benefits have been attributed to a healthy attitude to sex in general and to masturbation in particular, and no causal relationship is known between normal masturbation and any form of mental or physical disorder. Acts of masturbation have been celebrated in art worldwide since prehistory and, while there was a time in the late 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries when it was subject to medical censure and social conservatism, today it is again considered a normal part of healthy life. This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
- DJ Does a Good Job starts masturbating.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Masturbation]] masturbārī, conjectured to have originated from a contraction of manus (“‘hand’”) and turbāre (“‘to disturb, to throw into confusion’”).
- America's greatest past time. A favorite activity among many on the board, including Williaaam~!, John Wayne, jonnymudd and thebdr who do it 98 times a day each. During Edge and Lita's live sex show, Jerry Lawler asked JR for a tissue and started implying that he was so excited he was going to shoot his goo all over the announce table. Luckily for both JR and the USA Network he didn't.