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- The Highlander (or Feynman in the manual) is one of the protagonists of Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl and the player character. He seems to remind Frederica of someody familiar. He in the Highlander class, meaning he can use spears and spear-related attacks.
- A Highlander is a powerful Scottish mercenary that is featured in Age of Empires III.
- Similar to Classic Mode / other Etrian Odyssey games, the Highlander is just like most chosen characters; silent. He is unable to talk (in your view), but instead, you can choose the replies he gives for certain dialogues. Although they may determine his personalities, this won't really affect the plot in any way at all.
- The Highlanders are a clan of monkeys who reside in the highlands. The people of this clan are incredibly gifted in terms of athletic ability, like quickness and jumping.Their clan are a military nation. They first appeared in Breath of Fire II.
- Zeid stinke zahn
- The Highlanders are a cultural group in wizarding America. The group is most likely related to the Scottish Highlanders, transplanting the ancient practices to North America. It is possible that the Highlander culture migrated to the United States through eastern Canada.
- The Highlander is probably one of the most well known SLDF assault 'Mechs. The Highlander began as a defensive 'Mech capable of defending an urban area or a military installation. While having a slow ground speed the Highlander has a jumping range of 90 meters. While this doesn’t seem very significant it gives the 'Mech mobility in an urban environment that outclasses most 'Mechs with a faster ground speed. The jump jets give the highlander a psychological advantage as well because a maneuver that has become linked with the design, a "Highlander Burial" which consists of using the jump jets to jump over an enemy 'Mech then drop directly onto the enemy causing a great deal of damage and a chance of landing one of the Highlanders massive feet on the cockpit of the victim of the maneuver.
- Highlander was the name given to an Aurek-class tank owned by the Alliance Military. As one of the most elite units, the Highlander and its pilots were made the leader of all Aurek tanks when in battle. The tank was eventually destroyed during a small battle in the Triumvirate Civil War.
- Highlander is published by Dynamite Entertainment. Price per issue is $2.99.
- Highlander is a minority cat breed developed in 2004.The feline is a hybrid of the Jungle Curl and Desert Lynx cat breeds. The cat breed did not get its official name until 2005, in order to be distinguished and to gain Championship status in TICA. The Highlander is known for its wildcat look and affectionate temperament.
- A sturdy, athletic race of Fellpool descended from tigers who live in great numbers on the Astralian continent. Known for extreme belligerence and a love of solitude, but also highly disciplined and self-critical, with a chivalrous side as well. Their warrior knights easily surpass those of all other races.
- Highlander is a film for which Queen recorded several arrangements of songs, some of which were released on A Kind of Magic.
- Highlander è un allegro film narrante di teste mozzate, prostitute, vecchi bavosi e muscoli oliati.
- El Highlander es una unidad mercenaria que puede ser contratada en algunas civilizaciones por medio de la Metrópoli. Aparece exclusivamente en Age of Empires III.
- Une mutation de Creatures 1 ayant pour symptôme un taux de force de vie de 100% et l'immortalité des norns. Cela est du à un changement dans le gène controlant la taux de glycogène produit pour une unité de glucose consommée, en offrant un fort ratio de glycogène pour peu de glucose.
- Highlander is an enemy in Final Fantasy Dimensions.
- Highlander is a series of films and a TV show about a group of Immortals. The purpose of these Immortals is to kill each other by chopping off their opponent's head. The other Immortal will then soak up the life energy of the killed Immortal and become stronger. The last Immortal left will become mortal.
- A Creatures 1 mutation that has the symptoms of 100% life force and, in pre-Life Kit norns, immortality. It is caused by a change in the gene that controls the amount of glycogen produced for every unit of glucose eaten, to offer a higher ratio of glycogen for glucose. Compare with Zeus, Sweet, and see drive for why this mutation could be considered 'bad'.
- The Highlander had several unique moves: Walking up to his target, the Highlander pulls out his sword and strikes them in the forehead with its hilt. He then takes advantage of their defenselessness by piercing his victim's stomach with his weapon and withdrawing it quickly, before watching them crumple to the floor, dead. Leaping onto his target from above, the Highlander unsheathes his sword in mid-air. When he lands, he forces them down to the floor and impales them in their heart with his weapon, before he stands and leaves his victim laying dead.
- Highlander is a 1986 fantasy action film directed by Russel Mulcahy and based on a story by Gregory Widen. The original draft of the script was titled Shadow Clan and was a much darker story than the finalized one. The film stars Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, Clancy Brown, and Roxanne Hart amongst its cast.
- Highlander: The Series is a fantasy television series, an offshoot of the popular Highlander movies. Both share the same basic premise: there are many Immortals in the world, most of whom are involved in "The Game", a term they use for hunting one another, seeking "Quickenings"—a burst of power—by beheading other Immortals. Ultimately, there will be only one of them left to possess all their power. Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Highlander.
- Highlander is a 1986 British-American adventure fantasy film directed by Russell Mulcahy and based on a story by Gregory Widen. It stars Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, Clancy Brown, and Roxanne Hart. The film depicts the climax of an ages-old battle between immortal warriors, depicted through interwoven past and present day storylines.
- Highlander is the code name for the version of Delphi that will support .NET 2.0, probably to be released as CodeGear Developer Studio 2007 As news becomes available about Highlander information will be added here. Release schedule for Highlander:
* Originally planned for "shortly after Microsoft's .NET 2.0 release".
* Now, slated for 2nd half 2007 release. See new roadmap. Features that Borland has planned for Highlander: Features that may be in Highlander:
* Full .NET 2.0 support (Generics, etc.). Features no longer planned for Highlander:
* VCL for Compact Framework. (reference [1])
- so ein typ der meines wissens in recht vielen folgen seine anderen highlander kollengen ausschalten wollte, denn: Das "Ausschalten" geschah mittels eines Schwertes und die Abtrennung des Kopfes vom übrigen Leib mittels desselbigen. Die anderen heißen dabei nicht auch noch Highlander, sondern anders. "Er" hieß so, weil er Schotte war und aus den Highlands stammte. der name kommt laut bullyparade daher dass der kerl im highlander-eck geboren wurde (werden highlander überhaupt geboren??)