| - [Source] Schrödinger is a member of the School of the Cat and is mentioned in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In a letter to Gaetan, another feline witcher, Joël, states that the school has been captured by soldiers, Cedric and Axel have been killed, and Schrödinger's status is unclear – he might be alive or he might be dead.
- During the Tollans' forced stay at Stargate Command, Carter gave the cat to Narim, who displayed certain curiosity, as animals had been long extinct on his homeworld. (SG1: "Enigma") Two years later, when the Tollans contacted the SGC again to invite SG-1 to the Triad involving Skaara and Klorel, they sent Schrödinger through the Stargate first. Thanks to Tollan technology, the cat passed through the Iris unharmed and was reunited with Carter. (SG1: "Pretense")
- He watched over the Embryon from the very start in the Junkyard. Although he never revealed himself to be more than a cat, he did subtly help the party by distracting the guard of Cielo's cell, allowing him to escape and save Sera at Coordinate 136.
- Schrödinger är Kapten Samantha Carters husdjur katt, döpt efter 20th fysikern Erwin Schrödinger och hans tankeexperiment i kvantum fysiken, som kallas Schrödinger's katt. Under Tollan tvingas bo på Stargate Command gav Carter katten till Narim, visas som viss nyfikenhet, liksom djur hade länge utdöda på hans hemvärld. (SG1: "Enigma")
- Schrödinger (シュレディンガー准尉|, Shuredingā Jun'i) was a member of the Millennium forces, and is usually directly under the command of the Major. He is voiced by Ryōko Shiraishi and by Laura Bailey in English.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Schrödinger (シュレディンガー准尉|, Shuredingā Jun'i) is a major antagonist in the Hellsing anime/manga series. He is a member of the Millennium Organization, serving directly under the command of the Major.